Resenberg - Doremi - Zarien : Forgiveness
Ti Rouge says...
First, I'd like to apologize to Resenberg, Doremi and Zarien, or anyone I've offended by making inappropriate comments on this blog sphere.
Amid these ugly comments, I must admit I've used the pseudo name Ti Rouge intentionally to attack the diverse problems facing Haiti.
Anyone who lived in Haiti should and must know that social cancer exists and is a counter productive force in our society, and is primarily attributed to these days modern slavery, a chapter that can not and must not be ignored; It would be like telling a Holocaust survivor that the Holocaust never took place, and be mindful vastly in Europe it is a felony to deny the Holocaust, and here in America Congress has passed legislation to make Anti-Semitism a felony as well or hate crime which fall under federal prosecutory jurisdictions, for Racism, bigotry and Anti-Semitism frequently would surface with the serpent face which is ugly through the lines of its face and deceitful nuance of its voice.
I apologize again for using that strategy to tackle these social problems that are ravaging our beloved country.
Please remember, after we artificially gained independence, the great powers made certain that we were plagued with proverty through their embargoes and occupation; Haiti's resources are been taken away everyday by these great powers where we sit by and in return we get a bag of wheat, and a happy meal. I'll go to my grave saying No to "Corruption - Privatization - Globalization".
Labadee which was stolen by force should and must be returned to the republic of Haiti.
When I participate in a blog sphere, I always start with controversy to identify my brothers and sisters whose going to help me carry the fight or persevere with the struggles.
Thus far, ironically, my brothers in arms happen to be the folks I've intentionally offended (Rosenberg - Doremi and Darien.
I hope you realize that we all share a common objective and that is to help Haiti.
We need to revolt against our politicians in Haiti whom are corrupted and only see their pockets.
Please do not get me wrong, our problems aren't just race, traits and attributes because in Haiti it's been black on black crimes, and as Haitians we need to realize that the white men is looking for their best interests, and it is time we start doing the same on a collective efforts to get the mass out of their misery and we all must share these responsibilities.
The topic is: Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people
This is a reply to Msg 9595
Posted by Ti Rouge on July 10 2008 at 11:28 AM