Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people
Tiba says...
Posted by Tiba on July 3 2008 at 8:33 PM
Messages in this topic
Very good contradiction on your part, indeed. Thank you as you have just proven by you yourself to be an utterly imbecile without grace of a competent conversation or debate. Read into what you have just said about being a descendent of Abrah > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 9-Jul-08 5:26 pm
Rosenberg can not debate without using profanities and violence; you've shown your true face which is that of a serpent. Please answer the following question: What cafe did your father grab your Dominican Mother from? Oh! Let me guess........! Sorr > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 5:27 pm
Rosenberg, you do not fool me. Your mother is a dominican prostitute, and that reflects in your 101 level English. You need help. > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 5:32 pm
Rosenberg CALEMBERT, you are a most repulsive human been to suggest your family is receiving checks for retribution and restitution. Be honest, your mother is a prostitute, and she is receiving money from her clients for sexual services in a Dominica > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 5:37 pm
Oh yes you got me, that is exactly right... You are right on target about my mother... What can I say you are so maturely experienced and exposed in the ring of prostitution, you would know. I am sorry you have to result to going to a prostitute > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 9-Jul-08 5:54 pm
Rosenberg, I am not certain if you are a kike, or a prostitute. You remind me a lot of your dominican prostitute mother who's introduced me to prostitution at an early age. But, at least I always get it for free from her whenever I visit the Dominic > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 6:13 pm
So much for and of you wanting a Governmental position in Haiti. Tsk, tsk, tsk my work here is done and I got you right where I wanted you to be exposed and further more credited my claims. Thank you! Do you know what most criminals' error a > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 9-Jul-08 7:16 pm
, Dr Zarien said that Ti rouge suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. He is so right. I know now why he is so nasty to people. I have one more video of what happened to him during his last strip to Dominican Republic. While this Mulatto was dr > >
Doremi Fasol, 9-Jul-08 8:11 pm
Rosenberg and Doremi stop the bashing, bigotry and the anti-semitism. Can we all get alone, after all we are Haitians, and moving forward let's be positive for the benefits of Haiti. Please, I am begging, do it for Haiti. I am trying to educate you > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 10:04 pm
Ti Rouge, je vous felicites comme un bon Haitien. Merci et je crois que vous allez sauvegarder la republique D'Haiti. Il fallait mieux que Preval designe Mirlande Manigat a la place de Mme Pierre Louis, une lesbienne acharnee. > >
David Klein, 9-Jul-08 10:20 pm