Ti Rouge est un patriote bien informé des issus

David Klein says...

Ti Rouge, je vous félicites comme un bon Haitien.

Merci et je crois que vous allez sauvegarder la république D'Haiti.

Il fallait mieux que Préval désigne Mirlande Manigat à la place de Mme Pierre Louis, une lesbienne acharnée.

The topic is: Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people
This is a reply to Msg 9591
Posted by David Klein on July 9 2008 at 10:20 PM

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Rosenberg can not debate without using profanities and violence; you've shown your true face which is that of a serpent. Please answer the following question: What cafe did your father grab your Dominican Mother from? Oh! Let me guess........! Sorr > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 5:27 pm
Rosenberg, you do not fool me. Your mother is a dominican prostitute, and that reflects in your 101 level English. You need help. > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 5:32 pm
Rosenberg CALEMBERT, you are a most repulsive human been to suggest your family is receiving checks for retribution and restitution. Be honest, your mother is a prostitute, and she is receiving money from her clients for sexual services in a Dominica > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 5:37 pm
Oh yes you got me, that is exactly right... You are right on target about my mother... What can I say you are so maturely experienced and exposed in the ring of prostitution, you would know. I am sorry you have to result to going to a prostitute > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 9-Jul-08 5:54 pm
Rosenberg, I am not certain if you are a kike, or a prostitute. You remind me a lot of your dominican prostitute mother who's introduced me to prostitution at an early age. But, at least I always get it for free from her whenever I visit the Dominic > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 6:13 pm
So much for and of you wanting a Governmental position in Haiti. Tsk, tsk, tsk my work here is done and I got you right where I wanted you to be exposed and further more credited my claims. Thank you! Do you know what most criminals' error a > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 9-Jul-08 7:16 pm
, Dr Zarien said that Ti rouge suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. He is so right. I know now why he is so nasty to people. I have one more video of what happened to him during his last strip to Dominican Republic. While this Mulatto was dr > >
Doremi Fasol, 9-Jul-08 8:11 pm
Rosenberg and Doremi stop the bashing, bigotry and the anti-semitism. Can we all get alone, after all we are Haitians, and moving forward let's be positive for the benefits of Haiti. Please, I am begging, do it for Haiti. I am trying to educate you > >
Ti Rouge, 9-Jul-08 10:04 pm
Ti Rouge, je vous felicites comme un bon Haitien. Merci et je crois que vous allez sauvegarder la republique D'Haiti. Il fallait mieux que Preval designe Mirlande Manigat a la place de Mme Pierre Louis, une lesbienne acharnee. > >
David Klein, 9-Jul-08 10:20 pm
Merci Ti Rouge, Haiti est entre vos mains, et nous avons confiance en vous. Prosperite pour Haiti avec Ti Rouge en 2010. > >
David Klein, 9-Jul-08 10:26 pm
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