Hillary Clinton Haiti Donors Conference Transcript

Hp Rookie says...

For anyone interested in the full transcript of the Remarks made by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Haiti Donors Conference here is the link:


This is in response to the full video posted here, thanks to who ever posted it.

Here is the part that caught my attention:

"To build a diversified economy, Haiti needs more than trade deals.

It needs an infrastructure to support the flow of goods and services.

The roads in Haiti, for anyone who has ever visited, are beyond inadequate.

Many communities are isolated, in the year 2009, by the lack of passable roads.

That prevents people from holding jobs, children from going to schools, farmers from bringing crops to market.

Better roads are essential."

I agree with that comment and I hope that something is done about it ASAP. Being that Ms. Clinton stressed on the "in the year 2009" I think she understand the fierce urgency of now when it comes to the development of Haiti.

I would love to know what part of the speech you like

The topic is: What Bill and Hillary Clinton Say About Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 14088
Posted by Hp Rookie on April 19 2009 at 2:55 PM

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For anyone interested in the full transcript of the Remarks made by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Haiti Donors Conference here is the link: This is in response to the full > >
Hp Rookie, 19-Apr-09 2:55 pm
Should I believe everything the slavemaster just said? The slavemaster holds these similar conferences on Haiti almost every year and nothing never materialized, why should this time be different? Once again, anyone who listened closely to the sla > >
Tiba, 19-Apr-09 3:22 pm
I will not clap/applaud to comments made by the slavemaster about problems that I already know exist in Haiti. I just returned from Haiti 4/10 and wrote on this very blog about the road conditions and what I saw first hand. My job, however, is to > >
Tiba, 19-Apr-09 3:48 pm
Until Preval can have a website just like Obama stating what he has done and plan to do with the donations and the taxes I am going to continue to view him as another oppourtunist get rich quick "uncle tom!" Those who wish to fight for Haitians right > >
The Avenger, 19-Apr-09 6:10 pm
this is a positive move and bless it all. It is about time. Here is a good message Why do some Haitians still talk so bad about Voodoo and what does helping Haiti have to do with Voodoo? We have some Haitians who have no idea of where they come fro > >
Garry, 20-Apr-09 5:04 pm
This country must not know about the hitory of Chritianity. Christians are devil. From Romans Catholic to Protestants. Romans Catholic killed Jesus! it is writting blacks on whites in the Bible.The protestants killed millions and continue to kill aro > >
Inconnu, 20-Apr-09 9:00 pm
Garry don't feel bad about any of this Voodoo issue because you are facing a people very uninformed. If Haitians knew there were 80 million people who practice voodoo worldwide, they would understand the influence and the importance of this relig > >
Tiba, 20-Apr-09 9:31 pm
Hello, Having a chance of getting some good help is a bless. Hilary and Bill will make sure that it hapends under President Obama's Term and I trust them all fully. Let's not call people names; that's where hate gets fed. We all know that christia > >
Garry, 20-Apr-09 11:40 pm
this is a great article and I hve alreadysent it to a few friends. thanks Garry > >
Garry, 21-Apr-09 12:45 am
La solucion y bienestar de haiti no son limosnas economicas. Yo no veo que los hatianos que son ciudadanos de USA y que viven en USA necesitan o reciben limosnas. Por lo tanto la solucion verdadera es ciudadania de USA para todos los nativos haitian > >
Carlos Burrowes, 21-Apr-09 12:30 pm
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