These are two very separate issues; we Haitians tend to get...

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Reply to Msg 4044

These are two very separate issues; we Haitians tend to get very emotional and mix all our apples with our oranges.

Issue 1. Should the government have to compensate citizens if it wants to use their land for a national purpose.

Issue 2. Do people who have aquired land illigaly have any legal claim to that land. Once you answer that priority question, than you can ask whether or not the government needs to compensate these people.

Issue 1. Should the government ...

Ans. Issue 1. I could be mistaken, but I believe that in all none communist or dictatorship regimes citizens who have to give up their land for national purposes are financially compensated.

In some countries, they are relocated to an area similar to the one they are leaving (or better), in others they are usually bought out.

Issue 2. Do people who have aquired land illigaly ...

Ans. Issue 2. In some countries, it depends on the amount of years they occupied the land without anyone challenging their occupation.

Many countries have occupation times of 8-10 years.

In other countries it does not matter how long settlers occupy the land--the owners can always reclaim them. So the question here should be; can the government seize the land of absentee owners, because unless the law has legally given the land to those who stole it, the land the government seizes would be the land of legitimate owners.

Linda, October 10 2007, 2:09 PM

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These are two very separate issues; we Haitians tend to get very emotional and mix all our apples with our oranges... read more >
Linda, 10-Oct-07 2:09 pm


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