Aristide is against the masses of the people, he was using the...

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Reply to Msg 22165

Aristide is against the masses of the people, he was using the people to get what he wanted thanks God for the Catholic Church who rose him and gave him a partial education just to become a dictator and anarchist.

Aristide does not give a damn about you neither the masses excepted his power.

Let's pray he be brought to jail with the gangsters he has formed in Haiti and around the world.

Aristide is a dechouker he has asked for elimination of the bourgeois like wise he is a bourgeois by tricking the people, he believed in elimination of every single Haitian who opposed his speach without action.

You too should be very careful with Aristide and his armies, and gangsters located around the world.

Let's build Haiti for the best. Only in the United States Haitians have a refuge and freedom to live without fear. Stop blaming the US and the International communities.

Let' s fix our problems and ourselves for the sake of humanity.

Aristide is my ex-president and shall never be again, but I need justice for many Haitians masses who have been killed under his command.

Former Lavalas, May 23 2010, 6:31 PM

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Aristide is against the masses of the people, he was using the people to get what he wanted thanks God for the... read more >
Former Lavalas, 23-May-10 6:31 pm
I was with Aristide last weekend in South Africa. Our leader is in good spirit and has daily reports from our... read more >
Lavalassien De 1ere Heure, 23-May-10 7:15 pm
Aristide is a former dechouker and anarchist that armed litle children with machetes, gun formed group like you... read more >
Former Lavalas, 24-May-10 3:37 pm


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