Lavaud Hold Desmoulins - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Lavaud Hold Desmoulins
(Page 8 of 15)

Haitian People: They Don't Want You Believe What They Believe

To The Haitian People - My breathe: They don't want you believe what they believe that I, Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a, The C.R.J., will never turn you and the nature of Blacks down. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. The Great King is... more »

Over 200 years ago It appeared to be impossible, but The Great...

Over 200 years ago It appeared to be impossible, but The Great Dark Knights Toussaint Louverture and Thomas Jefferson had started it and it worked. Yes, it did f*****g work. Now 200 years later The Great Dark Knights Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a/k/a... more »

Linda Thanked Haitifreehaiti For Misleading Her Wake Up Linda Lougarou Ap Majew

Hey Linda, I see you thanked Haitifreehaiti for misleading you. Haitifreehaiti is a funded by President Preval's and MINUSTAH's networks. What the hell is wrong with you Linda? These people got you, Linda. Please Linda, make sure you read... more »

The Dark Knights Are Reviewing U N Awards And Haitians Recipients

We, The Dark Knights, are conducting a serious investigation on every single award distributed by any organization either linked to United Nations or United Nations itself to Any Haitian citizen or any foreign organization linked to Haiti from 2002... more »

U. N , KiMoon, Preval, Chile, et al. Liable 4 Criminal and Civil Charges

Haiti will file criminal charges and a massive Lawsuit against President Rene Garcia Preval, Chile, Ban Ki Moon, United Nations, et al., for their roles in the conspiracy swine flu and others against Haitian people. The Great King is coming Lavaud... more »

Yes, They did it. It was intentional. President Rene Garcia...

Yes, They did it. It was intentional. President Rene Garcia Preval was well aware of that shameful-deadly conspiracy against Haitian peole. President Rene Garcia Preval Extended the mandate of that M I N U S T A H. And President Rene Garcia Preval... more »

2 Chileans M I N U S T A H Brought Swine Flu in Haiti To Contaminate Haiti

United Nations brought 2 Chilians M I N U S T A H infected with Swine Flu to contaminate Haitian people. IT WAS INTENTIONAL. And Later, last year, President Rene Garcia Preval and Chilean Jose Miguel Insulza, who is current head of Organization Des... more »

Haitian President Preval and Chilian Jose Miguel Insulza (Head...

Haitian President Preval and Chilian Jose Miguel Insulza (Head of O.E.A, or O.A.S) were awarded by P.A.D.F.(Fondation Panamericaine Pour Le Development) as "Heros de L'hemisphere" last Octobre 2009. The Great King is coming Lavaud Hold Desmoulins more »

ObamaCare Is A Big F****** Deal For Haitians In Diaspora As Well In Haiti

President Barrack H. Obama Signed and put it into law today the Health Care Reform Bill that will guarantee Haitians their rights for medical care without conditions. This is only a step toward the civilization, because the civilization world - My... more »

Is President Rene Garcia Preval Being Pushed To Commit Suicide?

I think President Rene Garcia Preval must be put under suicide watch as soon as possible. There are vital signs certain very important elements in - or link to - that MINUSTAH obviously wish it to happen very fast. They freed the detainees and the... more »

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