About Oil drilling in Haiti

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There is danger of having foreign oil refineries There is a wave of nationalizations of oil and gas, in Latin America.

For instance In Bolivia Shell is saying that they need to turn over ownership of their gas and oil reserves to the God " Shell" in order to get access to their drills and refineries, and their high-paid executives.

Incredible but true what American Corporations are doing in Latin America.

Reverse the situation it would be regarded as an act of war. Cuba had the same problem.

The American oil refinery refused to process the Cuban oil when Castro nationalized the oil company.

Bolivia's decree is clear, their message is: If it is under our ground it is ours and if foreign companies want a piece of the action they had better be prepared for real negotiations, not giveaways behind closed doors.

Haiti would do well to learn from those examples.

Ps:Shell's subsidiary " Transredes" demonstrated in January 2000 when - after years of ignoring warnings that their pipelines were a disater waiting the happen - disaster happened.

Millions of acres of indiginous farmland were destroyed along the Disaguadero River, leaving behind a trail of contaminated water, useless land, at least one dead child, and sheep born with birth defects like a cyclops eye and 25 centimeter tounge.

Share your comments about the pros and cons of drilling for oil in Haiti.

Claude, January 5 2008, 7:34 PM

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Haiti needs to learn from Latin America and the petroleum disaster and their fight with the US Oil giants. For... read more >
Claude, 7-Jan-08 4:07 pm


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