Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Here is the complete archives of press releases, news articles, photos, videos and discussion topics when Rene Preval was president of Haiti. Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Lydie Parent responsab zak kriminel sa ki fet nan Petionville paske antan ke majistra li bay lekol la papye pou li fonksyone. Buro majistra te sipoze konin strikti lekol la pa sifi pou kapsite ki te nan lekol. Mwin ta di li lekol ta vap kraze femin... more »
Fraciskin Rafael, 11/21/08 6:10 PM
Now that the French economy is beginning to crumble the "racaille" Sarkozy wants to milk Haiti for everything it got. Haitians are the only people who can truly say, that we did not steal the land from the native Tainos or Americans. We paid for... more »
Lionne, 04/07/09 3:49 AM
Son Excellence Preval, Il est temps de debarasser le pays du menteur congenital et du chimere JEA qui devrait etre accuse par le parlement haitien de detournement de fonds, de corruption.; sinon president Preval, il y aura une repetition... more »
Francisque Jean-charles, 04/07/08 12:21 PM
Pres de 27 Licences ont ete delivres le 17 Dec 2008 a Euresian Minerals sans que personne n'est pas au courant.Le President Rene Preval et Mdme Michel P Louis a pour devoir de nous informer sur ces licences. La Societe Ste Genevieve qui est entrain... more »
Micheledouard, 03/15/09 12:55 PM
Richelle,in my opinion i think he deed love the poor and still love them. He cannot help him self. He is very selfish and he is a power hungry man after he taste the upper class life style,good wine ect.than he started smelling upper class women... more »
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 04/18/11 2:08 PM
The Great King believes the cozy war military uniforms of correction officers (APENA) and the police officers (PNH) will not be helpful in reestablishing faiths in the younger generations. There is an obvious abusive appearance setting still to... more »
The Dark Knight, 06/09/09 11:26 AM
Well, the U.S. always seems to have their favorite candidates. I am in NY and was involved with the last few elections. In 1990 Marc Bazin was their candidate. In 2000, the candidate of the Bush administration was Dumas Simeus, a successful Haitian... more »
Jean Michel Dardon, 12/08/09 6:13 PM
Mr. Le Presisent, Je voudrais savoir si vous mettez de cote du temps pour lire les messages on vous resume les messages qu'on vous envoie. Car il est important que l'on sache que ces critiques bons ou mauvais contribueront d'une maniere ou d'une... more »
Frantz, 09/07/07 4:34 PM
correction:the dominican flag is the bleu and red haitian flag with a white cross in the middle to express that DR is no longer occupy by Haiti,i'm extremely happy that DR has a great leader,a great president more »
Llyod, 09/28/08 12:23 PM
Bonjour Mr le Président Preval mwen constate ke peuple ap kroupi nan mizè infernale la vi chè a ap vale terrain s'il vous plait Mr le President si ou pakab ede peuple vo mye ke ou ta rale kòw sou pouwa ba yon lot moun ki kapab... more »
Paul, 02/26/08 1:55 PM
je suis un ecolier mon nom est Mozelet Dieuveuil je vivre aux anse-a-pitre dans ce moment je ne sais quoi faire moi je consome pas bien dis tous et encore c'est moi paye mon education je ne sais quoi faire pour le momment pour mes nouriture et pour... more »
Mozelet Dieuveuil, 04/05/08 4:22 PM
Obama will only make a speech showing his sympathy for what happened in Haiti and send some troops to help the victims for a couple weeks and that's it. He will not be able to do anything else. He got too much on his plates with the Healthcare... more »
Darly Jeanlys, 01/13/10 11:52 AM
Rene Preval is mooving slowly toward upcoming economic growth.Because the country had a consecutive story of "coups d'etats", it has been impossible to observe continuity in all the government and state istitutions.What we see now is a president... more »
Le Comissaire, 10/04/06 9:28 PM
I heard many Duvalier's fans trying to make the argument that there was nothing done after Duvalier. But I object to that argument in the sense that Duvalier has not built institutions for the country that could last long. Everything was in place... more »
Gros-morne Gonaives Usa, 08/27/07 12:12 PM
Please my Haitian brothers and sisters, reject, denounce, refute, and exterminate our evil relationship with the World Bank, FMI and USAID, for these organizations and institutions are evil, and induced a cancer in our society. The World Bank, FMI... more »
Robertson, 07/18/08 2:54 PM
(CNN) -- Dilma Rousseff has won the election for president in Brazil, according to the country's Supreme Electoral Tribunal Minister, making her the nation's first woman to hold the office. TSE Minister Ricardo Lewandowski made the announcement to... more »
New Leadership Haiti, 10/31/10 6:18 PM
When missionaries from KIDS INCORPORATED say that government shelters were closed and forced 300,000 children to leave in the street. They rescued (100) 4years olds who where living in a drain. Those kids were at the mercy of all kinds of... more »
Xyz, 10/24/07 11:49 AM
It was so interesting I decide to share it again I hope that you do not mind. "Cliquez sur chaque nom pour images et informations" "http://www. lehman.cuny. edu/ile.en.ile/haiti/paroles. html" more »
Alain, 03/29/08 6:37 PM
Charles Henry Becker ta yon bon premye minis! En tous cas, map lapriye pou ou fe yon bon chwa. more »
Daniel Albert, 04/14/08 10:47 PM
Hey aux calbasses, I must say that you deserve your name (calbasse). "Tete calbasse" means your head is full of crap just like a calbasse, lack of intelligence. This is the problem with moronic brain dead like yourself. Obviously Bellerive is not... more »
Tiba, 04/08/11 9:00 PM
The bourgeois which means middle class, not wealthy, in real French have nothing more to give. Some are barely surviving in Haiti. Those who has invested in banks in other countries 20 years ago have a little something to retire on. Those who had... more »
Lionne, 02/29/08 1:32 PM
hey with all my respect im a haitian and all my family lives in haiti and everybody is suffering cause the food prices are so high and nobody is following the laws so why arent you trying to do anything about that and when we send money and food to... more »
Haitian Prince, 08/21/08 11:34 PM
sa yo wele Yele, sa li vle di. Pou ki sa se toujou ONG moun toujou ape bay lajan. gen sa ki pi bon pou ta fè ake i million dolè. Ki ta nan entewè yon popilasion tankou Gros-Morne Nan Latibonit, ou bien tankou la Plèn....etc...... more »
Charlot Charlemagne, 07/14/10 4:11 PM
1991, 17 janvier : À Gervais, dans l'Artibonite, 12 paysans sont tués et 8 portés disparus (auxquels il faut ajouter 20 blessés et 494 maisons incendiées). Les causes, de la tuerie semblent sujets à discussion. Selon... more »
Phillipe2, 05/29/08 4:48 PM