Please do something for the country

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This is with a lot of frustation that I am reading certain conditions that the haitian people are forced to live. The country is not cleanned, where ever you go is dirty.

Downtown is worse, the store's owners, businesspersons are tired of this condition.

Haiti does not need that much to advance the country.

It is a question of commmon sense.

I read the "Nouvelliste" on the internet, I was really choked and frustated to see the way that the coutry is been governed.

I feel really sorry for the country.

Where is common sense?

Why haiti cannot look at leat like Jamaica or othe Caribbean countries in the hemisphere?

What is the problem Mr President.

Do you have any shame or patriotic shame to compare our country to other places.

I am very frustated about what I am reading.

Please do something, take any measures to develop and clean the country.

Port-au-Prince is saturated with dirt. Please create job for the people so they do not have to depend on little commerce to feed their family.

Please do something, anything to change the face of Haiti, our Haiti.

If you want to reply, you can do so at junioja01 [at]

Withe all due respect Mr President

Junio J Abraham Sr
Accountant and Employee of the Federal Goivernment

Junio J. Abraham Sr, June 22 2007, 12:37 AM

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