Miracle water aka Aqua Miracle

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Dear Mister President René Préval,

I am very sorry and worried about the infernal situation in your country.

In 1980's I was working at Clinica Florida in Marbella in Spain.

There I got familiar to
an easy and cheap cure for serious stomach problems, that had also been used hundreds of
years ago in Spain as a first aid for kolera.

The recipe of this "Miracle water" is pretty simple:
-One litre boiled water
-big spoonful of white sugar
-big spoonful of salt
-teaspoonful of bicarbonate or baking soda
-juice of one fresh lemon
These carefully stirred or shaken.

Three litres for an adult person per day, less for the children.

The "medicine" should be taken at least for three days.

Sincerely Yours,
Violeta Vallin

p.s. I hope this recipe will be published in media at Haiti.

Violeta Vallin, November 19 2010, 6:32 PM

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