Revenant Crete A Pierrot, You see what happened? You get like...

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Reply to Msg 22244

Revenant Crete A Pierrot,

You see what happened?

You get like this every time you don't take your medications as prescribed.

You have got to keep your hallucination and the delusion under control before they cause you to hang yourself upside down.

You said "Ce lache a oublier les paroles celebres de Jean Jacques [Duclos]Dessaline pendant le siege de la Crete a Pierrot en Mars 1802:
"Nous serons attaques ce matin.

Je ne veux garder avec moi que des braves.

Que ceux qui veulent redevenir esclave des Francais sortent du fort. Que ceux, au contraire qui veulent mourir en homme libres se rangent autour de moi." La garnison entiere cria "Nous mourrons tous pour la liberte.

Dessaline a ajouter "Je vous fais tous sauter, si les Francais penetrent dans ce fort."

My! my! my! you forgot one important fact about these famous words, and that is Dessalines said them just before you and others decided to kill him dead forever.

How much traison is that?

That feel good and pride that came with these words are no longer existed because people like you who keep smoking them joints and drinking bacardi and vodka 24/7 like Preval has been doing all his life, have stripped Haitian of that pride and reduced them to sh8t, to nobody.

You said "Haiti n'est pas a vendre."

You see is pure hallucination and delusional talks because Haiti has been sold a long time ago by your icompentent mediocre greed like Preval and those before him.

You said "Les traitres qui veulent la colonisation Francaise ou Americaine ou Britanique seront decut."

This a pure sign that your brain is dead decapitated otherwise you would have realized that Haiti has been colonizied for decades now except it is unofficial.

I am only calling to seal the deal by making it official.

Look around you man and see what's going on. Haitians have given the country away to foreigners except it is not real clear which one is really in control and because of that, I am suggesting that France takes it over so that everyone would know who's really in charge of what's left of our country, Haiti Thomas.

What are you going to do with all of these Haitians who have, not really sold Haiti, by have given it away to these foreigners, including yourself?

As far as I'm concerned they are all traitors, you included.

Whouldn't you agree?

So get off your high horse and realize there is nothing left to be proud of anymore.

Let's admit we, Haitians are very incapable to govern ourselves.

After 206 years of independence from France, we have managed to destroy the entire country to the ground and make all Haitians the laughing stock of the world.

With France in charge, at least, there will be potential for opportunities for Haitians back home to stop relying on families and friends overseas for their suvival and finally get off this welfare state.

At least the the government will stop going around the world begging for a buck or two.

With France in charge, Haitians will feel more comfortable to go back home and gets involved in rebuilding their country and work hard to develop and make Haiti prosperous again like it was once in the 1700s.

There is no pride when a nation depends on begging for money to survive.

There is no pride when an entire people depends in charity to survive.

There is no pride when a nation depend on second hand products, furnitures, and clothing coming from Miami, NY, etc. etc..

to survive because the nation cannot produce anything.

Once again, I suggest that you take your medications as prescribed so you can stop hallucinating and get out of the delusional state that you're in.

Tiba, May 28 2010, 10:36 AM

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Revenant Crete A Pierrot, You see what happened? You get like this every time you don't take your medications as... read more >
Tiba, 28-May-10 10:36 am


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