to prevalo please help our country

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dear mr. preval
please lower the food rate. im happy that the security is increasing but the people are dying of starvation.

please do something to help them our countrhy is falling apart.

the children have no hope of a better future.

if we dont do something now whose going to care for our country.

with the children having no education then the country has no hope. we must start now build schools, jobs business anything possible to secure or give any hope that our country will last. please we can still have the country that we have built so hard to built.

we can start by giving farmers contract so that they can start farming.

building government business so that tha civilians can have a cheaper products to sell. the government can secure the future of haiti bargain with people let the public know that the government is on their side and that the people is also part of the government.

Stephanie, May 20 2007, 3:07 PM

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