So Jynee send all the money you can or you have. you are...
Katia says...
So Jynee send all the money you can or you have. you are proving to me that you agree with the system where most people rely on someone else for life and never learn to do something for themselves.
When they think problem they know where the solution is:"diaspora".
I want to make them learn to work and contribute to their society in order to receive reliable services.
you are probably one of them, that is a lazy ass. sitting on your butt all day, all year around not doing anything productive other than putting your nose into people's business, having millions of unrealistic projects for a diaspora to take care for you. what a shame! the diaspora spoiled you too much. now I know how to untie this knot. learn to work, pay taxes on any little that you make. we don't make enough here, sometimes your paycheck is only %75 worth of your expenses.
and you still have to send send send to families, friends, even people you don't even remember, keep bugging you ta carry their bagage for them. I need money for ti marie to go to school, ti jean will be doing his first communion, ti joseph needs money for new clothes for baccalaureate test. just to go write a test, you need money for new clothes, they don't ever work, they don't know the value of a dollar.
anyone that's sick, needs a laptop, now that's the new thing for this year, laptop for every housemaids, machan fresco.
in the past years, it was cellphone for every baby in the family.
everyone you knew needs a cellphone.
most of the time, you cannot even afford to sustain life here on that little paycheck that you have to shave to take care of everyone else's business.
I heard another news stating that they will take out $us 2 every friday on the diaspora's paychecks.
I wonder wich lawmakers will pass this bill to FORCE PEOPLE TO DONATE.What about the massive millions that Haiti just collected?
weren't they for Haiti' projects?
they are not spent yet, since no progres has been noted.
Martelly should ask for these donation funds in order to create free school.
the people are still in the streets defending for themselves.
on what did they spend any money?
maybe on mimi kap veye beurre.
ma chere, cheche on kote w met kow tande.
bay bay bay san rete. ou pa gin responsabilite, se kay moun ou fe desant nan litle haiti.
ou mange chen janbe, se nomal pou okupe moun haiti san kontrol.
anpil nan nou gin pitit nan lekol prive, mortgage, paiement machine, nou viv tankou moun. nou bay tout tan, nou bay moun nou pa rekonet.
se pou moun ki resevoua lajan yo bay nan sa yo ginyin a.
ou kwe on bagay.
malere haiti gin 4 20 YO FEL KADO, li bay 5 dola la colecte la danl. li pa problem.
lajan pou pasteur okupe madanm li ak afe personel li.
epi li se on problem pou yo ta bay %1 pou yo join service kap itil yo. le yo malad, se paste a ki bay yo soin de sante?
pran tet ou ma chere.
The topic is: Martelly intend to charge $1 more for every $100 you send to Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 28371
Posted by Katia on April 29 2011 at 9:13 AM