preval vs. clinton

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I do not think the answer to Mrs. Hilary Clinton is on the same wavelength as the position of Mr. Preval.

The "timing" is not a date or a deadline.

It is a time that meets given conditions.

Moreover Clinton listed some of these conditions.

For Préval, it must be he who organizes elections rigged to bring to power the person he chooses.

He did not even elegance promise to work on prerequisites for acceptable elections.

Maybe he sees the current situation in some advantages, since both cards are lost and upset the electorate, we will vote without a card, or being placed on a list

Mr. Préval is totally insensitive to the suffering of its citizens.

All that interests him is to control the power.

He did not even notice the earthquake on January 12 destroyed the chances of his sordid maneuvers.

He made us lose time while his mandate in sterile debates.

It does not even remember his CEP had no mandate to organize elections failed, much less president.

It feels sufficiently "intelligent" to once again roll the political class in the flour and deceive the people.

But he became so obsessed that he lost his "political intelligence", the little we have to recognize him. He did not understand that the Haitian people noted his cynicism and his total indifference to the situation created January 12, 2010

If I knew that my President had a bit of good faith, this is what I would explain

Making elections for the next president is elected before February 7, 2011, means achieving an electoral process in the present context and in 10 months.

In other words, it should

183; Launch registration of candidates in 3 months, that is to say, in June 2010,

· Address challenges of applications in a month, which brings us to July 2010

· Launch the campaign in August 2010, organized the first round in September of this year to have time to announce the first results in October,

· Address challenges in the same month

· Proclaim the final results of the first round in November 2010,

· Organize the second round in December 2010, proclaimed the first results in early January 2011,

· Receive protests, treat and provide final results at the end of January 2011

I have no right to question either the intelligence or sanity of my President.

Therefore I esteem very dishonest and I say aloud.

They are such statesmen who led some citizens to prefer foreign tutelage in their government.

President Préval's laughing at our problems as its first coat. In addition, he takes us all for fools and idiots or worse.

Instead of getting down to the emergency humanitarian situation and reconstruction of the country, beginning in June 2010, we were immersed in turmoil election with a president who was also clearly demonstrated its willingness to manipulate elections.

As he did in the South and Artibonite in the last Senate

Dear President, you are mistaken because this time you'll have in front of you all the honest people of this country.

We will be very happy to say goodbye February 7, 2011, if you want to stay until April 2011, it can even help a little.

Have at least with a good loser fairplay by running under your mandate a process that will make the elections as soon as possible, at the appropriate time, I say to paraphrase Mrs. Clinton, after your departure.

We can find a political consensus that want to follow the letter of the Constitution, will his mind, calling the Court of Cassation.

Such a provisional government did not have legitimacy because its mandate is primarily to organize the elections.

Until now, civilian governments have all transitions successful elections acceptable.

It is not their fault if people have no choice or make bad choices.

We must not forget the conditions under which you had given us Aristide in 2000

Andre Lafontant JOSEPH

Survivor of 12 January

Andre Lafontant Joseph, March 11 2010, 7:42 PM

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