You have brought in valuable points about the destruction of...

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You have brought in valuable points about the destruction of Haiti's agriculture by World Bank and IMF (U.S. mostly dominated institutions).

I would like to add along with these two institutions the dirty crook elites of Haiti.

Who are importing foods in Haiti?

The "Maisons De Transferts" such as CAM and Unitransfer et autres are the great importers of American foods in Haiti.

They are selling foods through wire food transfers to destroy the Haitian economy.

With these two institutions we will have a lot of illnesses in Haiti with the importation of those highly chemical foods to destroy Haiti's ways of living.

These two institutions are more responsible for the destruction of the Haitian economy than World Bank and IMF. Nowadays, Haitians are not dying of tropical diseases anymore, but they are dying with cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney, liver failures and cancer to name a few.

It is a shame for a state like Haiti that is supposed to be an agricultural state by vocation.

Haitian elites are dirty pimps and destroyers of their own country my friend.

Haitian elites are little people or subhumans, for they do not have any national consciousness.

That is why they made Haiti become the poorest country on earth.

Those crooks use private helicopters to fly to Dominican Republic as means in order to use the Dominican Airports to travel overseas.

The Dominican elites know they are dirty crooks, but for the purpose of increasing their economic assets allow them to do so. They import organic foods to feed themselves while they are importing highly chemical foods to kill Haitians in great numbers.

I wish that earthquake had taken away the lives of those crooks.

I am praying for the next one to take all those dirty elites away, for they do not deserve to live among us. They are the symbol of shame and himiliation of Haitians in Haiti.

Before we blame the international community we should blame first those crooks.

It is sad to live with subhumans like the dirty elites of Haiti.

We must find a way to bring their old oligarchy down to liberate Haiti.

I do not disagree with you, but we must hold accountable those crooks for our misery and suffering.

In Dominican Republic, Haitian elites are the better paid business managers and the Dominicans are praising them whereas in Haiti they are the worst paid managers.


Racism plays a great role into that and the skin color of the darker skin Haitians discourage them to give Haitians better treatments in Haiti.

Do you see those crooks talking or arguing in our media?

They are hiding in the country and they are using intermediaires to do dirty jobs on their behalf.

They are all crooks and that is why they are hiding and we will always have Corvington Security officers and Minustah to protect their lives in Haiti.

God helped us a lot with their losses in Montana Hotel and more will come soon to eradicate those crooks in Haiti.

Slavery will end in Haiti when God puts an end to those social injustices in Haiti.

We must believe in ourselves and in God, for the latter will not let those pigs humiliating us in the next decade ahead.

If they do not repent a volcano will explode and destroy them all. Haiti was not supposed to be a predatory state and Dessalines did not liberate Haiti for that. Mews (Meztl), Brand (Brandt), Saliba (Asalib), Castra (Castera), Vorbes, Biggio, Accra, Delatour and Brown are the symbols of shame and humiliation in Haiti.

They are the ones to put Haiti into that political and economic mess. Do you see them debating about Haiti?

Do you see them driving in Haiti?

Can they talk to us in the Haitian Media?

No, they are hiding and they are all crooks.

They are using intermediaires in this blog to defend them. Take notes of those reactions and you will understand who to blame...They are the worst enemies of Haiti period.

Marie Carmelle Hudicourt, March 8 2010, 2:17 PM

Topic: Haiti agriculture Destroyed by the World Bank and IMF

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You have brought in valuable points about the destruction of Haiti's agriculture by World Bank and IMF (U.S. mostly... read more >
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Montresor 2011, 25-Mar-10 9:12 pm


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