Thank you Mr. Beauchamp: Your parents are honorable Haitians...

Pr Sident Ren G. Pr Val says...

Thank you Mr. Beauchamp:

Your parents are honorable Haitians who did a noble job in raising you by passing to you the treasure of our land.

I am looking forward for the privilege to welcome you home - on the land of your dear parents.

Haiti is your land. You are invited!

Never forget that the blood that flows in your veins were first nourished here on the soil of the Great Haiti.

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

They lift me up!

I will print them and cherish your words always!

I will translate for our friend President Nicholas S. when he come tomorrow to visit our Great People and Port-au-Prince and me. (Great table conversation while we are eating, we will remember you)

I will keep them with me to read when Internet or electricity in Haiti is down.

"Haïti ne périra pas, Haïti ne doit pas périr."

The topic is: A Leader is no Ordinary Man
This is a reply to Msg 19580
Posted by Pr Sident Ren G. Pr Val on February 16 2010 at 2:46 PM

Messages in this topic

Thank you Mr. Beauchamp: Your parents are honorable Haitians who did a noble job in raising you by passing to you the treasure of our land. I am looking forward for the privilege to welcome you home - on the land of your dear parents. Haiti is > >
Pr Sident Ren G. Pr Val, 16-Feb-10 2:46 pm