believe what you want!!!!!!!!!!

Mark says...

There are those that believe Saddam Hussein was a great leader.

To this day you will find people that admired and still admire Adolf Hitler.

Closer to home you will find people that loved the Duvaliers.

Who's to say they're wrong?

It has to do with a person's loyalty and the benefits that person enjoyed under such governments.

Of course those who suffered under such leaders have different views.

My point is, what you think is ignorance may not be all. We each have a different story.

We have not all traveled the same path. To one the rain is a blessing to another it is a curse.

I agree completely with what you said about Haiti's neighbors in a sense that many of them profit from our current situation.

Futhermore, many of them have contributed greatly and even created a system that nurtured bad governance.

But at some point we need to stop pointing the finger at others and begin to point it at ourselves.

Because we have allowed it, better yet our leaders have. Did you know that during the days of slavery many African leaders benefited from slavery.

They captured their own people and sold them to the White man. While we rightfully blame the Europeans we can't forget the Africans who too profited and nurtured such injustice.

So the other point I make is this, yes they have done us wrong but at some point we need to own up to our own mistakes and take charge of our destiny and stop entrusting it in the hands of some other country who's looking out for their own national interest.

We need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, stop blaming others even though we're right most of the time. It won't get us anywhere.

Let's put an end to this pity party and find a way to help the country.

The topic is: Aristide one of the greastest
This is a reply to Msg 1012
Posted by Mark on December 30 2006 at 10:17 PM

Messages in this topic

There are those that believe Saddam Hussein was a great leader. To this day you will find people that admired and still admire Adolf Hitler. Closer to home you will find people that loved the Duvaliers. Who's to say they're wrong? It has to do with a > >
Mark, 30-Dec-06 10:17 pm