Ti Malice - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Ti Malice
(Page 3 of 6)
Mr Mckenzy...I have not read all the post of XYZ. He is an...
October 23, 2007 4:12 AM
Mr Mckenzy...I have not read all the post of XYZ. He is an educated man; according to what I read from some of his posts, he surely does have a good education.He may have a degre in social science or world history. But such degre of education is... more »
Glad to hear about your hands-on experience with the economy...
October 22, 2007 2:39 AM
Glad to hear about your hands-on experience with the economy. We are not familar with any of the plans you have mentionned so far. We never heard of them! Can you share with us one of these plans you talked about in your last post? Would you please... more »
Realite ou Mensonge?
October 21, 2007 10:55 PM
Linda, Ruben Titus, Djakout, Madochard, XYZ, Mackenzy, et autres! Veuillez m'excuser pour n'avoir pas participe au debat sur le model economique approprie a notre pays. J'ai lu vos posts! Toutefois, prenez une minute ou deux de votre precieux temps... more »
Me Madochard, you are a patient man! I gave up on Flo...I Can't...
October 17, 2007 1:36 PM
Me Madochard, you are a patient man! I gave up on Flo...I Can't reason with her! From time to time she contradicted herself. She offered me a Prayer by ST Francis, and a psalm by David; these are 2 pieces of literature knowm by almost everyone. I... more »
Since we don't know the chinese economic model well, it would...
October 17, 2007 3:58 AM
Since we don't know the chinese economic model well, it would be nice to tell us about it. all I know from China is this: a- They have puposely devaluate their currency which benefit them a great deal; a devalued currency makes import from EU,USA... more »
Mr St-Preux, I wish our leader adot your attitude: you listen...
October 16, 2007 4:44 PM
Mr St-Preux, I wish our leader adot your attitude: you listen to us and made the changes. The best thisng You have done was to remove that "fouye tool bar" I keep mentioning it, because it bothered me and a lot of bloger. may be you can put it some... more »
Recent changes on PrevalHaiti.com
October 16, 2007 1:53 AM
I was refered to this site by a friend in August 2007. The format used at that time was great we could go back to "archives" and retrieve a topic by date etc... we could post a video, all we had to do was to click on the URL, cu, copy and paste... more »
Sorry to bother you, Flo. we can not see your videos. The site...
October 15, 2007 5:30 AM
Sorry to bother you, Flo. we can not see your videos. The site owner/manager made some changes; seeing a video is not possible with the new changes. Can you try to post the videos again, this time give us the videos URL as recommended by the site... more »
All of a sudden, Flo becomes Anacaona. the funniest thing she...
October 15, 2007 2:13 AM
All of a sudden, Flo becomes Anacaona. the funniest thing she is using the "post name Legba", a modification of Papa Legba. If you read everything that the new "Legba" and Annacaona wrote, you'll see the same style, the same philosophy, the same... more »
Here again, your expose is biased. It is contradictory. You...
October 11, 2007 9:10 PM
Here again, your expose is biased. It is contradictory. You quoted old Testament to make your point> It was you who said that the old testament was writen by iqnorant jews. You do not follow a logical point and distorted the word of Paul and Jesus... more »
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