Ti Malice - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ti Malice

Dear Flo, I really appreciate your interventions lately even

Dear Flo, I really appreciate your interventions lately even when I may not agree with everything you say. Telling us that Boukman was a muslim, is fairly new to us. I am certain, he believed in the power of God. Contrary to those who believe he... more »

Dear Flo, I really appreciate your interventions lately even

Dear Flo, I really appreciate your interventions lately even when I may not agree with everything you say. Telling us that Boukman was a muslim, is fairly new to us. I am certain, he believed in the power of God. Contrary to those who believe he... more »

Brother Zanj, This is deep! We have to forget the good times of

Brother Zanj, This is deep! We have to forget the good times of the past. And What good time? ( Fear spoils the flavors of any good time). It is not in our best interest, to let the pages of history tainted by lies. Saying that there was order... more »

Pourquoi regarder en arriere?

J'ai lu avec enthousiasm tous vos posts!. C'est une joie indicible de voir qu'en depit de tout, les haitiens en general aiment leur pays, je vois en cet amour l'un des indispensables outils necessaires a la reconstruction nationale, la quelle est... more »

Dear Linda, It is always a great plesure to read your post and

Dear Linda, It is always a great plesure to read your post and the way you answer even the rudest of us. It shows really that we are on the right tract, starting with mutual respect, and the wilingness to admit where we are wrong. You are entitled... more »

Monsieur Gerard, Vous ne savez pas combien j'apprecie votre

Monsieur Gerard, Vous ne savez pas combien j'apprecie votre replique. J'ai laisse "la perle" a l'age de 19 ans, apres mes etudes secondaires aux Lycee National Phillipe Guerrier du Cap. Mon humble education est le resultat des efforts professeurs... more »


Permettez moi, monsieur, d'opiner un peu sur la question de "dependence". Je ne suis pa verse en etude sociologique, ni politique, mais je demeure certain qu'i y a une interdependence entre le gouvernement et les gouvernes. C'est une erreur de dire... more »

Les faits sont la.

LINDA, this time I have to disagree with you! I do not know how old you are, but I can tell you this: Haiti had some good leaders one of them was Presidient Estime. Depending on where you're from, in Haiti, a leader can be viewed as good or bad... more »

Blame yourself first!

Mr L'inconnu, le nouveau Jacques Pierre. Il est temps de trouver des solutions durables aux problems du pays. Ce n'est plus le temps de blamer, mais celui de se rassembler pour faire sortir le pays de ses multiples problemes. Vous ne devez pas... more »

Mete chien deye yo.

Oui se vre. Vole tou patou. Nou dwe mete chien deye yo, pou pep la sa pran souf! Ti chien ki te pran la penn pou Jacques Pie a refe. Li ap travay ak lapolis. se`pa de vole li pa pran. aktuelmen la, se li Prezidan an mete deyo pou menen sangine ba... more »

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