Mr.Toussaint, I believe that you are a smart man and you...

Grogrenn says...

Mr.Toussaint, I believe that you are a smart man and you shouldn't think like the illiterates leading the country.

Haiti, unfortunately, is like a cancer; its own cells are destroying it.Otherwise, how do you explain that instead of welcoming people from the diaspora who are essential to Haiti's own subsistence, the "leaders" are doing everything in their power to discourage them from participating in the life of the country?

Assassination of investors from the diaspora, insecurity, attacks on people's nationality...

these are some of the tools used to prevent the diaspora from coming back to the country.

The question is:to what purpose?

The racist western world knows that the diaspora can change the situation in the country and, with the help of some of the clowns they put in power, they want to prevent such a change in order to always present to the world an image of Haiti as "the poorest nation of the hemisphere."
We need every haitian to change the country.

It is a shame that investors like Boulos might decide to leave the country for another one who offers him more opportunity.

At the end of the day, the people of Haiti who could have benefited from the creation of more jobs will be the ultimate loser.

What a shame!

The topic is: Le Senateur Boulos demissionne du Senat
This is a reply to Msg 6802
Posted by Grogrenn on March 19 2008 at 8:55 AM

Messages in this topic

Lionne, I agree with you on this one. 1.8 billion remittances from Haitian living abroad, the least the brothers of the terroire could do is welcome us back with open arms. Ammend the dam constitution. Vive Haiti > >
Rubens F. Titus, 19-Mar-08 5:05 am
Mr.Toussaint,I believe that you are a smart man and you shouldn't think like the illiterates leading the country. Haiti, unfortunately, is like a cancer; its own cells are destroying it.Otherwise, how do you explain that instead of welcoming people > >
Grogrenn, 19-Mar-08 8:55 am
Je comprend votre frustration et votre point de vue, j'aimerais voir la diaspora dans son ensemble retourner au pays pour relancer les choses. Ils sont mieux formes et dans l'ensemble plus credibles. Il y a un probleme, la constitution doit etre rema > >
Robert P Toussaint, 19-Mar-08 1:58 pm