god never creates diseases to punish people on earth

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Tiba I never said that you have homosexual tendencies and you are defending homosexuals.

I just reply to a blogger who states that people who are opposing to my views have homosexual tendencies.

I clarify the issues for that blogger and I said that we can disagree without being disagreeable.

read my postings again.

I am not a conservative and I will not defend any conservative agenda.

I am a poor educated person and I cannot be liberal or conservative.

I perceive myself as an independent minded person.

I do not like to attack people for any opposing views rather I clarify my position and always nake myself clear in anything.

Why should I be against gay people when I know that they are victims of the biopower use of the most advanced nations around the world.

You may not be in position to research about biopower but I am telling you it plays a great role into shaping people's lives around the world.

I do not want Haitians to believe that if they are suffering with a disease and that disease comes from GOD. The latter never creates diseases to kill people although the Jews claim that the Seven Plagues as thrown to Egyptians were acts of GOD. I researched it and it was a false claim which I cannot detail now. I researched so many things in my life that it is difficult for me to carry any belief in my life. I am a truth seeker person and I do not go by what others say to defend something.

I do not trust all the experts of the world but some reputable experts deserve credits and I give them credit while using their sources.

Whether you do not want to believe that homosexual is unnatural but I believe that it is true and biologically speaking no one can prove that it is the end result of any heterosexual people on earth.

I was in Iowa University researching something and I had the chance talking to a service desk person who was a lesbian person and she told me that she could turn herself into heterosexual if she wanted but the cost to undergo the treatment is too high. She came from a conservative family and no one in her family is gay and you are telling me that being gay is not a process and it is natural.

Tiba, you became emancipated while leaving in the U.S. and what you hear from the U.S. media with Anderson Cooper or others lead you to believe that homosexual is natural.

It is not natural and it will never be. Scientists inflict genes to animals to lure people into believing that there is a homosexual chain from animals to humans into the evolution chain.

I do not deny that we are part of the evolution chain, but homosexual is not part of this chain and it is purely a man made invention.

Do you recall the burning of our first hygiene books in 1972 to 1975. Pdt Richard Nixon ordered the Baby Doc's government to collect all those books and burned them down where people were offered $5 to $10 U.S. dollars for each of the book they surrendered and in 1973 the American Medical Association claimed that homosexual could not be considered anymore as a dysfunctional disease.

In one of the first two hygiene books, I studied the chromosome parity between males and females where normal males carry 70% chromosomes of their sex gender and 30% of the opposite sex for the purpose of recreation and it was vice versa for females too. Since that time they banned that hygiene book and chromosomes do not define gender anymore.

There is a pending legal case about that in the state of Texas which I am following closely and it will go to the U.S. Supreme Court very soon. I will publish the result of this case once it gets settled and you will be surprised about the end result of it. I know that I am not wrong and time will tell. I do not hate gay people for I have too many white friends who are gays but I always consider them as victims of the most advanced biopower nations.

For instance, if you are suffering allergy, you will tell me that your allergy is a natural disease because you never know if you carry a coded gene that can trigger your allergy if you are exposed to certain chemicals but if you drink some coded gene medicines you will be treated and not cured.

That is why they do not cure diseases anymore in the U.S. and in many countries around the world except Cuba and Brazil.

The most 8 advanced nations are selling now coded gene medicines to treat diseases and not to cure just to create jobs.

Why do scientists talk about genetic diseases?

The discovery of the genes and DNA replication make whites the masters on this earth and we will be their servants for ever. If you have allergy it is because you have received a coded gene into your first vaccines which later will develop the disease they want you to live and die with. If you have received a breast cancer coded gene in your first vaccines you will develop that cancer later in your life and you will never be able to escape that cancer until you die.Some cancers are genetics and some are not. The ones that are not genetics are the results of the accumulations of those chemicals that you eat in those chemically processed foods.

Now, you will tell me that cancer is a natural disease because people develop it naturally.

What role do genetics play into those diseases?

Don't you see that whites always prevent blacks from studying certain disciplines such as biomedical sciences, bioethics or bioengineering just to name a few. And if there is a black person to study such a hard field, it can be a biracial black coming from the upper class or a genius dark skin black not the ordinary blacks.

In some states in the U.S., blacks cannot study law and history because they do not want them to know the truth about certain field of research.

I was in New Mexico where a black guy was the only black physician student in research there and he told me that they had given him so much headache that he had to transfer to Washington to finish his research studies.

I see that you trust whites so much and you go by their say. All I can tell you my friend is good luck for trusting whites.

I do not hate them but if evil exists many of them are evils and the GOD who is watching over us cannot be white after all. To conclude with you, one of my friends was suffering with a severe allergy where she had to go the hospital that day in Pensylvania, I told her not to go. I asked her what kind of medicines she drank before and she told me the names and I said I am going to show you something.

I said the coded medicines that you take cannot treat you at this point because your immune system is too familiar to them. Let's use other medicines much different as the ones you take before and slightly increase the dosis and you will see what happens and she did what I told her to do and in the next 4 hours her immune system got strengthened and she said to me this: how do you know those stuffs Toul?

I said I research it and I know how the medicinal process works in the United States.

Why did they get the author of "The truth that they want us to know in jail", the guy named Trudeau.

The answer is very simple, he told his television viewers during a televised advertising not to take vaccines and he explained the danger of taking vaccines and the gene codes process in those vaccines and the next day he got thrown in jail. My friend, read and research to save your life and the lives of your family.

May God bless you!

Toulimen, January 26 2011, 11:52 PM

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Toulimen,do you have kids? My questions are. How can you prevent them from the vaccination system? How to talk with... read more >
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Toulimen, 27-Jan-11 10:18 am


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