Christians Are Colonizers of the Black Race Alone

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I want to start with the following quote from Elizabeth Smart explaining his kidnapped life with a Christian captor named Brian Mitchell:

She said she begged him to stop, pleading, "I'm just a little girl." She struggled, but she said at age 14 she was no match for a grown man.

Afterward, she cried herself to sleep.

The next day, as she cried again, he told her she was "lucky," Smart testified.

He said he was a prophet and that God had chosen her to be by his side as he prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

She said she didn't feel lucky at all.

That's Chritianity and that was the way they raped black women too during the slavery times to give birth to the biracial people as called mulattoes in Haiti and elsewhere due to the fact marriage between Whites and Blacks were forbidden during those times.

Some mulattoes on this blog would say this "Does Obama come from the rapist cycle"?

Obama came in life through a legal marriage and he could not be part of the old vicious cycle of the rapist Christians.

Interracial marriage is legal now, but think about the past where it was not legal.

Until today's date, many Christians continue to rape little children to satisfy their desires.

The Catholic priests are the most pedophiles ever known in the world history and most Christian pastors in Haiti and elsewhere are adulterous and liars.

That's what Christianity brought to us. I will feel ashamed of myself to be a Christian these days. In America, many Christians are known for homosexuals and homosexual Christian churches are booming with new bible version.

Some explain that the old bible scripture was made to enslave people and they change many contents of the old bible related to slavery and homosexuality as well. Can Montresor be proud of such legacy?

We need to decolonize our minds and free Haiti from those Christian colonizers if we want to liberate Haiti.

We need to come up with religious reforms to transform those churches and those Voodoo temples to reflect the daily lives of the Haitian people, for they are both colonizers and exploiters.

We need religious, economic as well as educational reforms to transform Haiti for real. Haiti is a country of oppression and the latter is everywhere in the churches, peristils, schools and in the workforce as well. Haiti cannot be saved if we are scared of implementing those reforms.

We must save Haiti from the oppression cycle and eradicate it forever.

Many conservative elites will oppose to those changes, but the will of the people of Haiti will prevail.

We need the Haitian masses to protect the elites' wealth and at the same time we need an elite that can move Haiti beyond oppression and using education as a tool if discrimination of classes should make a difference.

A country with no discrimination does not exist in the world unless it is a truly socialistic country, but that does not exist anywhere in the world.

If discrimination should exist in Haiti it should be among a 98% of educated Haitians in the new Haiti.

Degrees will make the difference and not skin color or wealth.

Moving Haiti from 85% of uneducated Haitians to 98% of educated Haitians should be the dream of any true patriotic leader.

We need to transcend over our current destiny, for in the eyes of the White world colonizers we are all Haitians whether we are mulattoes or dark skinned Haitians...

We have same destiny in the eyes of the White men in the positions of power in the world.

Evidently, the biracial people will succeed better than the dark skinned people as it was during the slavery times, but hope still exists if one can take steps to change the course of his or her destiny...

Dimitri L., November 9 2010, 9:06 AM

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