Why would Haiti even consider the candidacy of a rapper with...

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Reply to Msg 23544

Why would Haiti even consider the candidacy of a rapper with his track record (or lack thereof)?

His house was seized and went into foreclosure.

He used humanitarian assistance to victims of Haiti's earthquake to: take care of his mistress; buy a TV station for profit (that went broke); promote his CDs; and spent US$450k of that money to party in Monaco?

Is that what the American people want for us?

A guy who got US$16 million in private donations and used it to party?

Do they now use their humanitarian assistance to buy a presidential candidate?

Would Americans elect someone like Will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas?

Hell no! Why mock the Haitians people by writing that he can be president?

In Haiti he is a joke when you mention his name as a candidate while people are grateful for his contribution as a musician and his positive talk about Haiti in the US press.

But his only track record is going broke and blowing aid money for his personal use. This sounds like the politics of the past in Haiti -- and Haitians don't want this anymore!

Dieusimene Petion, July 29 2010, 8:02 AM

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Why would Haiti even consider the candidacy of a rapper with his track record (or lack thereof)? His house was seized... read more >
Dieusimene Petion, 29-Jul-10 8:02 am


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