Haitian mango tastiest in the world

Robert Magic says...

We have the opportunity to do so much
Plant more mango trees and keep in touch
Invade the country with fruits and vegetable
The world is waiting to put on their table

The world gets 2.5 millions.

baskets of our mango
We just put on ourselves a voluntary embargo
If every Haitian plants one mango seed a year
The heros plant 20 seeds, the land will be in cheer



New opportunities for organic produce from Haiti
Our current initiative is to work closely with the small farmer associations to help obtain organic certification for a variety of products.

Organic products, which today are increasingly becoming a trendy way of life for consumers, have always been a way of life in Haiti because of the high cost of and inaccessibility of imported pesticides.

What was previously considered a limitation for Haiti has become a comparative advantage.

This offers Haiti, a small country with limited production volume, new opportunities in a growing niche market.

We are strong beleivers in traditional foods which have proven to be more nutritious and healthier than heavily processed foods.

Our challenge is make these traditional organic products more accessible to discerning consumers.

USDA certified organic mangos are available from JMB S.A.
Since 2005, three small farmer associations and JMB S.A are certified by internationally recognized organic certification agencies as producers of wild harvest organic mangos.

USDA and BCS Oko-Garantie have provided organic certification.

We are working closely with the small farmer cooperatives in the certified growing regions: Gros Morne, Ennery, Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite, Cabaret and Leogane (and this year we hope to certify Camp Perrin and St Jean du Sud) to provide the finest quality organic mangos.

Click here to view BCS Oko-Garantie EU certificates:

Fresh mangoFrozen mango

Fresh bananaFrozen banana

JMB organic mangos

JMB Exhibit at
All Things Organic™
Conference & Trade Show

JMB S.A. particpates in the May 2006 All Things Organic™ Conference & Trade Show at Chicago's McCormick Place
JMB exhibited its organic mangos at the All Things Organic™ Conference & Trade Show. The buzz on the All Things Organic™ show floor surrounded the increased popularity of organic products, as well as the continued entry of new privately owned companies such as JMB S.A. and their innovative organic offerings.

"The Organic Trade Association is delighted to see that mainstream interest in organic products is increasing, and that there are plenty of smaller, private companies joining the organic business community and growing with the market," said Caren Wilcox, executive director for the Organic Trade Association.

Jean-Maurice Buteau, the CEO of JMB S.A. personally attended the three day event and participating in tasting sessions of the delicious Haitian organic Madame Francique mangos, highly popular both with buyers and members of the public at large.

As more and more organic products are becoming accessible to the mainstream consumer, the tide is shifting to organic foods as everyday purchases.

Posted by Robert Magic on May 18 2007 at 10:22 PM