Our Independence has been in Life Support

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Below is an excerpt of Mr. Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J. unfinished book-"The Circle"

"Toussasint Louverture was about- and had all the necessary resources- to conquer for Haiti all the Caribbean lands and even go deeper to the South America; especially wherever the Spaniards were in control.

Thomas Jefferson, the then US President, was an accomplice of Toussaint because he never trusted The Spaniards.

As a matter of fact, The Spain ceded The massive land of Louisiana to France and its world scarriest General Napoleon Bonaparte in a secret treaty.

President Jefferson belived the motive of the treaty was make America (the original 13 states) a province of France.

Thus President Jefferson could do anything for Toussaint Louverture and his massive warriors to falicitate their dream, which was their Independence.

But we, the Haitians, just blew up that chance because "Nou Te two sou zestime tet nou." President Thomas Jefferson believed in the intelligence of Toussaint Louverture and his capacity to carry out the Haitians into their successful battles versus the then "Plus Grande Puissance." The way we claimed our independence, in the eyes of true intellectuals, was based on shame, cowardice, ignorance, and other vile means.

Therefore, our independence not only had been ignored for many decades by America, but has been in life support since 1804 and even the the earlier date when you served, on a silver platter, Toussaint Louverture to France.

Look what's going on in Haiti now. We have transformed Haiti into a total confusion an EMPOVERISHED STATE where international thugs secure their cozy investments."Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J.

The Dark Knight

The Great King is coming

The Dark Knight, November 17 2009, 9:35 AM

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