Zac, You have my platform already and I am not even a...

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Reply to Msg 14763


You have my platform already and I am not even a candidate for anything in Haiti.

If you forget here it is again:

1) Upon taken office, I would by "decree" dual citizenship the law of the land.

2) I would anul the current constitution and call for a new one to be written within 6 months.

The new constitution would be written strictly by Haitians and for Haitians.

A constitution that would reflect Haitian values, culture, principles, etc...


2b) In order to have a solid working and independent judicial system, I would call for all judges to be elected by the people except for supreme court justices.

3) I would plan to create 150,000 during the first year of my administration through rebuilding existing infrastructures and build new ones such as: roads, electricity to every corner of the country, a modern health care system, a modern telecommunication system, building seaports in many coastal cities, cleaning up the streets of Haiti, etc...


all that would be job creation.

4) To combat erosion and deforestation, I would first provide an alternative to the people by contract with a company to provide kerosene stoves to every household in the country, peasant as urban residents in order to stop the chopping down of the trees.

5) School will be mandatory to all, old, young, and small or face jail time or fine.

6) Agriculture would be a big priority.

I would contract with the Chinese to provide expertise to grow the Haitian rice in Artibonite again.

7) Respect for all Haitian citizens would be absolute.

All government employees and appointees would be obligated to take diversity classes and constumer service trainings.

8) In order to decentralize the government, I'd make sure that the constitution calls for each department to have its own governor with some autonomy and right to bring businesses to their respective department, and compete for federal funds.

9) I would double the police force and increase their pay as a way to avoid corruption within the force.

10) In order to reduce cost, the National Palace would be not just an office but it would also be the residential of the president and his family.

These are the ones that popped on my head for right now.

Tiba, May 24 2009, 4:52 PM

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Zac, You have my platform already and I am not even a candidate for anything in Haiti. If you forget here it is again... read more >
Tiba, 24-May-09 4:52 pm


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