Linda, I hope everyone here would read your post on this...

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Reply to Msg 13320


I hope everyone here would read your post on this language issue and understand that this is nothing but a scapegoat Haitians are using not to fulfill their obligations toward their own country.

You see, not only Haitians are a bunch of passive aggressive people, but Haitians are also lazy with no "know-how."

Because Haitians are lazy they refuse to take responsibility to work hard to rebuild their country.

Their lack of know-how makes it almost impossible for them to come up with concrete projects/programs to move their country forward and for that they depend completely on the international community to do it all for them.

By being so incapable to fix the problems of their country because they don't have the know-how and too lazy to do anything at all, therefore in order to sleep in peace with a clear conscience, they keep using a bunch of idiotic and moronic nonsense reasons to justify their laziness and their lack of know-how and language and voodoo are on top of their favorite list.

Haitians claim that English is the only solution to all Haiti's problems and the elimination of voodoo will make everything honey and rosy in Haiti.

How more idiotic and moronic can this type of mind set be for a country that requires its people to use their brain and common sense, their knowledge, expertise, skills, the know-how, and hard work to move the country forward to the 21st century?

I remember in college I would use every reasons in the book not to do research papers that I hate so much. Research papers never made any sense to me whatsoever and therefore I would procrastinate and wait till the very last minute to do it and I would complaint, whining, and tried to convince other students to see the nonsense that exits in research papers.

And my point is, Haitians are very good using all kind of idiotic and nonsense reasons to justify their passive aggressiveness, their laziness and their lack of know-how for their complete failure to fix their country's problems.

Tiba, February 15 2009, 7:56 AM

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Je suis cent pour cent d'accord avec vous Mr. Bastien; le francais reste simplement une langue, une facon de... read more >
Robert M. St Fleur, 6-Feb-09 11:49 am
On ne fait que promoter la langue d'un de nos oppresseurs.On n'est plus dessalinien.Si on est laid,c'est la faute de... read more >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 12-Feb-09 9:22 am
Lloyd, this argument about "the language of our masters", which if I remember correctly is from the author Frantz... read more >
Linda, 15-Feb-09 6:02 am
Linda, I hope everyone here would read your post on this language issue and understand that this is nothing but a... read more >
Tiba, 15-Feb-09 7:56 am
Linda,i always manage to respect your opinion even when i desagree with you.I've been around the world and base on my... read more >
Llyod, 15-Feb-09 8:38 am
Hello Mr LLOYD Well said. I was fustige sur ce site parceque j'ai suggere que les Haitiens parlent leur propre langue... read more >
Yves Salamanque, 15-Feb-09 10:42 am
Vous avez completement raison. Haiti est completement isolee. Le Creole Haitien est seulement parle par les Haitiens... read more >
Greg Peters, 15-Feb-09 12:17 pm
En realite, si Haiti avait un bon programme d'education, la seconde langue d'Haiti serait l'espanole a cause de la... read more >
Greg Peters, 15-Feb-09 12:31 pm
Tiba my blogging friend, I have to again caution you with how you phrase your thoughts. I know that you don't mean to... read more >
Linda, 15-Feb-09 1:05 pm
Oh,Grand Dieu de 'Univers,le temps me fait la guerre,ca fait deja 22 ans depuis que j'ai visite la France.Des mon... read more >
Llyod Benneth Le Bourru, 15-Feb-09 1:15 pm
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