To the coward who is using my login name

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A person's brain really has to be on the lowest evolutionary level when they can't even come-up with their own blog name. Gutter rats like you never have anything good to add to a conversation and so the only thing they can do is to try and drag others in the gutter with them. I know that Preval's people are always trying to get me off this blog, and you're probably just one of them. (There's also Rosenberg who hates me because I called him bipolar) I was just about to leave too, but guess what; I'm not leaving now. Not that I will ever be able to sink as low as you, but now I really don't feel like leaving.

I want to stick around to see if you can't possibly crawl any lower.

I wrote this to you, but judging from what you've posted so far, maybe you can't even understand what's written here. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IS IS WHEN SOMEONE CALLS YOU A GUTTER RAT, or are your thinking capabilities so low that the only thing you can read are curses and gutter rat sentences?

Linda, July 22 2008, 2:47 AM

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