Child Slavery Human Right Haiti's Image

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Hi Mr. President Preval,

I am a Haitian American living in New York and I just had a few things that bother me so much that I decided to ask you about your gevernment plan in facing them. I know that there are some efforts being made to bring Haiti's tourism industry back, but the lastest ABC reports on child slavery has put a very damaging dent in the wheels of that effort.

knowing that the head of social services of your government, has been proven to be inactive, on international camera, about search a voilation of basic principle of our being as a nation, what actions have you personally taken in dealing with what I consider a big blow to the country's image overseas?

When is your government is going to actively crack down on the corruption that exists in your public institutions?

I was in Haiti in 2003 and needed to take care of some tax issues for our family's home and a security guard at the entrance will not allow me to go in because I would not pay him to do it. When is this going to stop?

I remembered seeing you when you came to York College in Queens, New York and you were laying down your economic plan for the country, but all that you felt to mention is how you were going to take strong actions against the corruption that is slowly killing the country.

So, let me ask you Mr. President, when are you going to show to ivestors strangers and Haitian alike that their investments and lives will be protected from the corruption and insecurity?

If you can not deliver that message, you are waisting your time courting investors.

You need to fight the child slavery pandemic in the country, meet it head on because it brought down the morale of the diaspora to a new low. It is like a virus; it is in all the media.

It does not only show that we sell our own countrymen into slavery, but it also show that collectively, we failed to stand for the basic principal of liberty, human values and dignity.

You have start challenging that corrupted congress to vote legislations to bring this practice to its knees, to restore our values as a nation "Vivre libre ou mourir".

The people that support that restavek practice and own child slaves, must be held accountable.

You need to launch a campaign to teach Haitian of self-worth, about civic values, respect for the country, the women, the disabled.

That capaign will have to teach the people that unless they court the people the dispora and international investors with their sense of self-worth and humanity and respect, the will not see job creation, they will get poorer and will eventually reduced to servitude and destruction.

We need the death penalty for violent criminals and kidnappers; Japan, China all have done it to face persistent rise in crime; we can do it too. It is the only way to tame the crime situation there.

We are Haitians and we know that must stand at this point in our history our face grave consequences.

You have to do your best to bring us back. It is a great challenge that we face; a battle for our existance.

Last point that I am making is that the country need to scale back the population growth because it is a great impediment at all levels.

With food and oil prices increasing exponentially, and considering that Haiti does not have the mean and resources to feed its people, I am surprised to see that your administration has in not talked about a plan to slower the population growth.

What your plan regarding this matter, have your given it a thought at all?

Mr. president, we need to stand on our own feet; we need a strong force to protect the civilians and our border.

It is very crucial that you put this as one of the priorities of your administration.

I wish to get a response soon and wish you health and success.

Yours truly


Greg Desmarattes, July 13 2008, 1:29 AM

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