I have a solution for all those white SUPREMACY groups, and...

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Reply to Msg 8695

I have a solution for all those white SUPREMACY groups, and that's exactly what they are regardless of what they call themselves: It's to find out WHERE they are going to meet and detonate a NUCLEAR BOMB to make sure that all of them DIE. Since they are quite evil, it would quite a bonus to wipe out their ENTIRE FAMILIES from earth as well, so that their DNA do not survive.

We can all form our own private clubs to ensure our survival here on earth.

We should start one of those CLUBS IN HAITI, to ensure that we as a people survive in the Americas.

That particular club would ensure that all those other African descendants in the Americas survive nicely as well. We would need an education, health, land and welfare fund to make sure we all survive by any means necessary, and regardless of the machinations of the white race. THE AFRICAN DESCENDANTS SURVIVAL CLUB should be willing just as evil and mean as the white clubs to guarantee our survival into the next century.Its very clever of those White people the way they have found a way to squeeze the other countries out of their natural resources, while making demands to ensure that the developing countries let their own people perish from lack of health care (less money for AIDS/HIV, and water, farming, and food just to meet their IMF and World bank demands.

They have those countries unwise governments doing their own dirty work of extermination for them. That's exactly what the white race want with their recessive genes.

They may not survive global warming, they get skin cancer from exposure to the sun.

Sannon, May 14 2008, 12:56 PM


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