dominicans and haitians what is the problem?

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The Dominican people have done and do too much for Haitian, if you consider the eternal political context of Haiti.

Haiti is poorest country in the continent.

To realise a talk show with the other side of the border, the Haitian goverment must start with a lot of thing:in a global context, they must begin to work very hard, day and night, during minimum 10 years, without turmoil, conflict, to give a better, yes ! just a better face to Haiti:infrastructure, decrease the the amount of what you call " bidon-ville"
Port-au-prince is not a city but a huge bidonville.

increase the economy in the whole country: decentralise the administration to give to the whole Haitian people the chance, if there are jobs, and business in the other cities, in the country side, people will move frome the capital, knowing that they will the same opportunities or olmost.

From there you will able to discuss with the Dominican authority over Haitian problem.

But I think when Haiti will be in a better economical position, the Dominican poeple will consider Haitian as their brothers speaking defferent lenguage, that's set.I'm sure there is no problem of color skin, it is a problem of poverty.

Do dominican people have problem with Jamacan, Bahamian, ect, ect?

The are black olso.

Jojo, April 22 2008, 4:36 PM

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