Nadoun Coles from Vladimir Coles

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Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at
Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at
Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at aol. comHi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at
Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at

Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at

Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at
Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at
Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at

Hi Nadoun,

My name is Vladimir Coles, I was born in Haiti.

I recently visited Haiti and I had lots of fun. Now I live in New York City.
I was told that I have family living in Haiti and I was hopping with my visit there I would have been lucky enough to meet some of them. I guess I needed to spend more time.
If it's true I have that I have family there, I would love to meet them; You never know we could be related.

I would love chat some more but I'm driving and typing at the same time so please forgive me.

Please write back to me if you get this message.

colesvlade at

Coles Vladimir J., April 12 2008, 4:33 PM

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