important message sent to the prresident

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Dear Mr. President

I am a resident of Atlanta Ga.My name is Junio J. Abraham Sr. I met you maybe in 1990 or 1991 during a night conversation after organizing one of the biggest rally in Miami Florida for the former President Aristide.

At that time I was the acting Treasurer of FNCD and invited in a conversation with Aristide and his staff, those who were with him at that time. To me this was a set up to destroy the FNCD by Aristide himself.

Not having a political parti at that time, that was a strategy for Aristide to be in line with the election law as required..

However, I am not going to fix myself on the past. It is over. Presently, I am a resident of Atlanta, I work for the Federal Govenment Internal Revenue Servica as a Tax Auditor
with a degree in Business Administration.

My profession, I am an accountant.

The purpose of this correspodence is to let you know and understand that Haiti will recover its serenity and peace when the :ARMY FORCES" will come back. I know that you do not trust the army, but right now the Police Force cannot do anything to garranty the over all security, peace for the haitian families.

As an advice the "ARMY FORCES" can return but with some "WELL DEFINED GOALS",not to be what they used to be, but a force well organized and structured to help the country develops and under the governance of the 3 executive forces that are: the Legislative, the Judiciary and the Executive.

The "ARMY FORCES" should not be in any postion to give any "COUP D' ETAT" and this has to be done with the help of some amemdments introduced in the Haitian Constitution.

Without the "ARMY FORCES " the only "Guarantor", Haiti will never find its way toward peace for all of its citzens.

No haitians or foreigners will not come or go back to Haiti to help develop the country.

Haiti will always be in tumult and there will never be any peace.

These are some words of advice., You are the President, you do not have to listen to me. If you do I think you will do a great service to tha country.

Actually, I am also a member and the Interim Treasurer of an organization by the name of THL GA, we would like to work with your government for the goods of Haiti and its poor citizens.

If you believe that my messages are important with all due respect I would like to receive some communicatiob from you.

Junio J. Abraham Sr
Expert Acoountant
Tax Examiner with the Federal Government.


Junio J. Abraham Sr, November 26 2006, 1:48 AM

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