You are IN. Now, how can you help me with my PROJECT my...

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Reply to Msg 3910

You are IN. Now, how can you help me with my PROJECT my "friend"?

I just visited your site and it appears to be just advertisments for your Web Designing business.

Anyhow, I feel however that perhaps in some way your help might come handy in building an awesome webpage for the PROJECT.

I am trying to start a foundation for my project, so that means I will need all the expoxure necessary.

Perhaps we need to talk.

Wilgeens Rosenberg, October 7 2007, 11:32 PM


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You are IN. Now, how can you help me with my PROJECT my "friend"? I just visited your site and it appears to be just... read more >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 7-Oct-07 11:32 pm


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