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Un grand salut a mes Compatriotes

It is a very sad thing to notice that a few commoners like this half illiterate boy Jacques Pierre has found his way to this site and causing an uproar out of proportion.

We outght not to let that happen
Guys, what if from now on we choose a subject every week and debate about it. Quite frankly like I said before, we who love our Country and who are thinking every day about this great Land of ours ought not to give up our inalienable right to a few bloody Commoners like the kind of this Jacques Pierre guy.
Let us swear that we should never surrender to this minority of lost souls that stand a la croisee de nos chemins a chaque fois que nous voulions faire quelque chose pour notre pays.
Je sais parfois qu'il est tres difficile d'ignorer les bevures d'un damne mais pour le bonheur de notre pays et pour notre sante mentale let's ignore them.
I miss the goods comments of some of you.
Here in England it starts getting chilly and my nostalgy has already set in and this is the least I need when I find refuge in this site to run into bloodclots like this Jacques Pierre.

Un salut a vous tous les Concerned in Brasil, les Linda, les Max Johnson, les LK, les Gros morne Gonaives et tous nos compatriotes qui ne veulent pas mourir loin de notre terre Natale.

By the way Guys we here in England are in the process of asking the Fench Government of Mr Sarkozy de retourner les restes de Toussaint Louverture en Haiti
Qu'en pensez vous?

Il y a un Professeur Francais ici qui m'a dit que Napoleon avait fait de Toussaint un Citoyen Francais et ce n'est pas possible ma demande.

Qu'en pensez vous?

Move Zanj, September 15 2007, 12:33 PM

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MOVE ZANJ, Welcome back! I guess the cooling off period is over! No longer boiling! we have missed you here..... your... read more >
Loulou, 16-Sep-07 10:46 am
I wish I had read your post before responding to Jacques Pierre. I really like what you said about concentrating on... read more >
Linda, 17-Sep-07 7:42 pm
was in fact buried in an unmarked grave. That's a wonderful idea. We could have a great funeral. No drums should beat... read more >
Flo, 26-Sep-07 8:02 pm
Making a request to France to release the remainings of Toussaint to Haiti to be buried is pretty good debatable... read more >
Levy Alexandre, 26-Sep-07 8:36 pm
Zang did you post the letter to an imbecile to Jacque Pierre? He has a right to his opinion and freedom of expression... read more >
Flo, 27-Sep-07 1:25 pm


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