Outch Tiba, i wish more people could understand what just...
Jean Pierre Alexandre says...
Outch Tiba, i wish more people could understand what just happen to Haiti for the past years.
The topic is: Two Consecutive Terms Needed In Haiti For Implementing Economic Reforms
This is a reply to Msg 27791
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on April 7 2011 at 9:33 AM
Messages in this topic
It is very disgraceful to ask Haitians born in Haiti and not overseas to wait 5 years before running for any elective position in Haiti. Duvalierist Dr. Louis Roy, the author of the Haitian Constipation of 1987, along with the tandem CIA-HATIAN ELITE > >
Toulimen Legrand, 6-Apr-11 7:46 pm
Mr. Toulimen Legrand, I say Amen e Insiswatil to that! this stupid constipation (constitution) represents the master's system and not Haiti. Haitians are not used to have a prime minister and a president in the political system. In 1987, the m > >
Tiba, 7-Apr-11 6:37 am
Outch Tiba,i wish more people could understand what just happen to Haiti for the past years. > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 7-Apr-11 9:33 am