move zanj is boiling

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Reply to Msg 2741

I feel your pain and see your points.

Instead of Dean Witter bonds why not the construction of a National Bank of Haitian Development ou Banque Nationale de Developpement, supervisee par des citoyens haitiens desinteresses de concert avec le ministere des Finances et la diaspora Haitienne.

I find it some how astute to compare Haiti and France for there has been patriotism in France, there has been planning and there definitely has been the people of france a l'avant garde de leur interets whereas in Port au Prince we have never had a group of men willing to sacrifice their pity and greedy desire to enrich themselves and their clique for the welfare of our nation and sometimes some of us who are willing to do it will be corrupted or exiled or murdered.

Therefore brother Max c'est un probleme humain

Regarding the Dominican Republic and our billion dollars investment je le doute pas car il y a encore de notre classe industrielle qui par faute d'une vraie identite nationale aurait prefere voir la majorite noire de notre pays sous la tutelle des dominicains
Et c'est une honte.

nous devons nous en defaire de cette minorite apatride.

or occupons la Republique dominicaine une nouvelle fois
Salut depuis Londres

Move Zanj, August 8 2007, 3:21 PM

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Brother I feel your pain and see your points. Instead of Dean Witter bonds why not the construction of a National Bank... read more >
Move Zanj, 8-Aug-07 3:21 pm


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