Hunger in PetitGoave!!

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Your Excellence,
Thank you Mr. President for opening a door that allows your people to comunicate with you. I was very pleased to read where you said "leave me a message".

This is what I call Democracie.

It is the first time in my life that I have ever heard a Haitian president make that open statement;and I was not born yesterday.

I was raised in the small town of Petit-Goave, and presently leave in the U.S. Someone there indicated to me recently that the people are dying of hunger.

Is there anyway the the government can assist them at least once a month with some food?

Being here in the States, it is so hard to send assistance without having it stolen or having to pay a lot of money through customs.

My father who was a Bishop in that town, passed away three years ago. He used to receive food from the government periodically and distributed it to all the people.

I hope you can help Petit-Goave.Thank you.

Claudette Arbouet-owens, July 19 2007, 12:58 AM

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