Haiti's Elites Ignorance: Label Poorest Country in the World

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Haitian elites believe that they are with American elite counterparts equally ignorants in terms of fighting poverty and corruption in their countries.

They know that the American elites do not like being criticized by others and once another country criticizes them they have to use their guns either to threaten or destroy the way of life of that country.

They believe that Americans play GOD in everything therefore they silence themselves and let America labels their country as the poorest country on earth.

However, at the same time the Haitian elites know that they are not the poorest country on earth if the definition of a poor country means a country with no mineral wealth underneath of its soil like Great Britain, Israel and Japan to name a few. Are they the poorest countries on earth?

No. Haiti is not the poorest country on earth and by knowing that Haitian elites let them say anything they want. Americans believe that they are perfect and that is why they never welcome criticism like the Ancient Rome, but one day their power will come to an end. There is a begining and an end for everything on earth...

Haiti is not the poorest country on earth.

It is a mismanaged country with unresponsible elites in transit that are motivated by greed to drain Haiti's national treasure.

It is the time for the masses to step up and fix them up. If Dessalines gives up, I will continue the fight for I know how to fight them...

Dieusibon Yvrose, April 18 2010, 2:57 PM

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