whasington caracas hang in there Rene

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My name is Serge.This is the first that I am vsiting this site It is very interesting for us haitians to have a forum where we can voice our opinions.

I personnally know Mr Rene Preval well enough to say that he is a very good Manager.

He also has a very strong personality.

We have worked together for about 2 years in a manufacture in the beginning of the 80's in Port au Prince.

That was the time when ambitious young haitians in and out of our business school ( INAGHEI) were taking to Public Administration and Private Sector.

Anymay i do remember that Mr Preval came up with some really good ideas that the company was using way after he had left to go into Politics.

I have been out of the country for almost 20 years now, but Ithink our President is doing a great job. In the recent history of our "old Haiti" I think he is the most effective Broker we have had

Comme je n'aime la politique mon cher Rene Un jour qui sait quand tu redeviendras citoyen Rene Preval si l'on se croise a New York ou en Haiti j'espere pouvoir te dire JOB WELL DONE

Serge Alexandre, May 11 2007, 10:43 AM

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