Paul G. Magloire, You are preaching to the choir. Magloire, I...

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Reply to Msg 20440

Paul G. Magloire,

You are preaching to the choir.

Magloire, I don't think there is ONE Haitian walking on this planet who is not fully aware, understand, and acknowledge the gravity of the situation in which the the Haitian people and the country are facing right now.

Let it be known that the quake has affected me personally and continues affecting me till this days and perhaps for years to come. I visit my homeland, Haiti, every year. I am very involved in Haiti.

I have started a humanitarian project in mty hometown since 1995, which provides basic healthcare at no cost to the residents, also education and economic development.

No, I am not rich, in fact, I can barely pay my bills.

I breath Haiti daily and Haiti keeps me awake in most nights.

"You can take me out of Haiti, but you cannot take Haiti out of me."

I am not a member of any previous and current governments, never have been, but I know a thing or 2 of what can be best for my homeland, Haiti Quisqueya or bohio better known as "Haiti Thomas."

The rethoric of some former and current government officals is what I have a big beef with. When these people were in power, they had ample opportunities to do something for the country and give some kind of hope to the people, but every single one of them chose not to. These government officials instead spent their time insulting the Haitian people and putting them down, and dehumanize them to the level of the dirt we walk on. Today Haitians are not respected anywhere in the world.

The way I see it, I think Haitians have plenty of reasons not to trust the current government and all the previous government officials including you, Mr. Magloire.

The Haitian people also have plenty of reasons not to trust the international community, including US, Canada, France, etc...


because all of these countries have been co-conspirators of Haiti's down fall and of the Haitian people's suffering.

There isn't one person nor one country left on the planet that the people of Haiti can really trust and rely on for their survival.

The earthquake of January 12, 2010 is the prime point in case. As you mentioned before, after 2 months of this catastrophy, the Haitian people still remain alone in their grief.

The government doesn't come through for them, no former officials and current government officials come to their aid. There is no one listening to their plight, but everyone is fighting over who should get all of the millions of dollars to manage the so-called reconstruction just so they can get rich in just 2 or 3 months.

You keep referring to a bunch of long-term programs that will take a long time to implement when the focus should be on the immidiate help/aid/program/project.

Once again, this proves the incompetence and the mediocrity of all those who make up the government of Haiti, past and present.

As usual, all of these people keep doing what they know how to do best and that is "faire etalage de connaissance.

parle de tout et de rien." And why is that?

Simple, none of these people has to live in Haiti if they don't want to. They all have either a visa to travel the world, or are naturalized citizens of some countries, and they all have the money they need to live a luxury life style outside of Haiti.

Can anyone please tell me exactly what this "Alternative" group is doing to help the Haitian people in this moment of great need other than giving speeches and speaking French 24/7?

The truth of the matter is, since the earthquake, majority of these so-called leaders, past and present, have been in US, Canada, France, etc...

lobbying the master to put them in power in Haiti when they were supposed to be in Haiti doing everything in their power to bring some type of relief to the people, their citizens.

We all must understand one key premise, and that is you recognize a great leader, a compassionate leader, a competent leader, and a patriotic leader in moments of great needs and in time of trouble.

Unfortunately, Haiti doesn't have those types of leaders.

Let us all remember that "leaders are born", they are not made! that probably can explain why Haiti doesn't have any.

Tiba, March 19 2010, 10:55 AM

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