Imbecile, Preval needs to get his sorry butt back to africa...

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Imbecile, Preval needs to get his sorry butt back to africa.

Haitians are not equiped with that kinda crap you are writing about "Come together" they haven't done that for 200 + years, you think they going to do that now. With all do respect, Haiti is a lost cause.

It's a waste of time, money, and effort.

The world can dump all their resources and money into Haiti, it will never never never neverrrrrrr change.

Haitians never learn, they bring misery upon themselves.

They have been electing those animals for decades, you'll think after Duvalier, they would have raised the standard a little higher, please, it's one pig after another.


cause every haitian only cares about his own pocket.

they dont care about keeping their country clean, they dont care how the world sees them, they don't care about transparency in their government, they don't care about asking their governent, why there's only one international airport ( International my ass. its not even an airport, its a cow field.

those pigs travel across the globes, they see how airports should look like, do they care?

of course not, the haitians never ask their government why they don't have electricity, why the whole country is in the dark from 6 pm to 6 am. No one cares to ask. I cant find a way to feel sorry for Haiti.

It makes me sick in my stomach when i see the place on TV. it brings nothing but shame on its citizens.

Haitians who are proud to be haitians are nothing but ignorant idiots.

To be proud of your country, you gotta be able to tell me, what your country has done for you as a citizen.

Americans, Canadians, Germans, French, South African, Venezuelans and more can proudly say that their country offered them, opportunity to grow, to live a better life, to prepare for the future etc. Haiti only brings misery.

One place not to be born in. Haiti had had so many chances to pick itself up, instead of building Hospitals, roads, factories, schools, luxury hotels to attract investors and tourists, they keep burning tires, killing each other like animals and they think that's the way it is else where.

Calling haiti a prostitute would be a generous term because a prostitute works hard for her money so she can afford things that she wants and needs.

Haiti is a HOE, it has no standard, whoever wants a piece of it can have it anytime.

You will never introduce a hoe to your mother as your future wife. She has a bad reputation, she will cheat and mistreat you. Unfortunately, thats what haiti has been doing for the past 200+ years, mistreat and cheating his citizens.

Cuba has been dealing with an embargo for over 50 yrs, they still managed to live with dignity, by educating and providing the best healthcare system for their people.

Haiti has been receiving aid from the international community for decades, they can't even provide clean water for their people to drink.

Shame shame shame on those negros.

God left Haiti a long time ago, God is a jealous God, you can't be worshiping Lucifer and expect him to be cool with that. God is not Burger King, You cannot have it your way. You gotta chose which side you are on. God or the Devil.

Haitians chose Voodo, and they are paying the price.

Other places practice voodo, but haitians took it to a different level, they use it to hurt innocent people, they use it to show arrogance.

God doesnt like Lucifer that's why he kicked him out with his followers.

Le salaire du peche c'est la mort.

Flkool1, February 19 2010, 2:30 AM

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