Bill Clinton and Haiti's Syrian/Lebanon Elites

Calypso says...

Posted by Calypso on February 11 2010 at 5:21 PM

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Nadege, obviously you cared, since you addressed both your posts directly to me by using my blog name. And the fact that you feel a need to curse on a blog that has several kids posting on it definitely says something about you. This IS the last time > >
Linda, 13-Feb-10 11:52 am
Is is that you Haitians possess no self-esteem, self-confidence that you think some brutal dictator was "better" than a grassroots movement who tried their darnest and many were killed by fighting to removing Haiti under the imperialist control of th > >
Nadege, 13-Feb-10 1:02 pm
Here again is what is wrong. Both of you are passionate over the issue, then we agree to disagree. this doesn't work in this matter. why not find a common ground. L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE > >
Joe, 13-Feb-10 4:58 pm
How could you be passionate about ignorance? How could anyone justify the Duvalier regime that was responsible for the murder and terrorization of tens of thousands of Haitians? By the way, I did not state any opinions, just the facts. Aris > >
Nadege, 13-Feb-10 5:10 pm
nadege I know that you are not talking to me. I can see that you do a lot of research. a lot of what you say are true as well as your analysis. However, Aristid was not good for the country. He could do anything just to keep the power. Aristid has h > >
Tififi, 13-Feb-10 5:29 pm
I'll say it again: If Aristide had "blood on his hands," as you said, he would be in power right now and not in a forced exile in South Africa under house arrest. > >
Nadege, 13-Feb-10 5:43 pm
I believe it's the right time now to flush thoses As> holes out of Haiti for good. Started with Meuz family,Madsen,Accra,Ben and the rest of the crowd of the Haitian so-called elites. Meuz have distroy the Haitian economy by selling everything to th > >
Jean P Alexandre, 13-Feb-10 6:19 pm
Nadege, I happen to be twice your age & lived in a beautiful place called " La Perle Des Antilles " The Duvalier regime may have done a great deal to hurt a lot of people, on the same token it also helped a lot Haitians. Please understand what I am > >
Joe, 13-Feb-10 9:37 pm
Hello Joe: The "black power" movement started way before Duvalier, so the truth is others paved the way for him. I'm sorry, but let's stop acting like a bunch of hopeless Haitians. Duvalier destroyed Haiti's agriculture - the backbone of > >
Nadege, 13-Feb-10 10:19 pm
I am proud of your patriotism and one day you will get a voice too. We forgive all our former presidents after 24 years but we do not forget their mismanagement of Haiti. One day you will hear about the Zulus of Desdunes with the power of their mache > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 14-Feb-10 12:02 am
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