Preval's Power Move to the Left

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Haitian President Preval is out to flex his muscle in opposition to the Bush Administration and the USA by forming an alliance with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

Does that sound absurd to you?

Well it does to me. It's probably the most naive and asinine foreign policy in the world today.

It appears (as I struggle to apply logic to this course) that Preval remains upset that the USA didn't want an Aristide puppet in the office and has decided that the rogue, anti-Bush dictators of Cuba and Venezuela are his best comrades in fighting the evil imperialists.

Apparently, he believes that he can bring down the Bush Administration by forming this triumvirate of evil. I suppose he also feels that since Obama will win and he's a far left guy, that Obama will join into this group and make it a foursome.

Obama will not win and if he did, he would view Preval, Chavez, and Castro as lepers.

Preval probably hasn't noticed that Obama is not walking but running away from the far left, "Hate America First " crowd, that also prefers Chavez and Castro to Bush. Could he really be this politically stupid to believe that Obama would remain in a far left position on the political spectrum after gaining the nomination?

I believe so.

Obama is already on very shaky ground for taking his absurd "I'll sit down with Ahmadinejad anytime, anywhere" policy from which he has run away as if from a blazing inferno.

Does Preval think Obama would risk his foreign policy stature by joining with Castro and Chavez?

Could he be this politically stupid?

I believe so.

I guess, to further his far left political stature, he's chosen a George Soros crony (Madam Pierre-Louis) as his PM nominee.

Does he believe that Soros will bring him closer to Obama?

I believe so. Preval doesn't realize that Soros is radioactive but with a very small percent of very, far left, activists in the USA. The same people that Obama is now running away from at full speed.

Is it that Obama has run so fast that Preval didn't see him go past or is Preval still looking over his shoulder for Obama to catch up with him on his race to the left. Poor guy, but worse, and much worse, for the people of Haiti to have such a foolish, naive, and disillusioned leader.

Talk about really poor political instincts and you'll have a picture of Preval.

For the good of Haiti, this guy has got to go, and go fast, if Haiti has any chance of moving forward in the western hemisphere.

George Grunner, July 16 2008, 9:06 AM

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George Grunner, you are an idiot and demagogue. I think you've been spending too much time poisoning your mind with... read more >
Robertson, 16-Jul-08 9:35 am
Think about Mr Robertson will you Mr Preval. He considers Castro and Chavez as great patriots to their repsected... read more >
George Grunner, 16-Jul-08 7:29 pm


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