needed discipline for a new haiti

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Just got back from Haiti 2 days ago. Based on my own observation, here is what is needed in order to improve our country's image.

A)The police need to take a more active role in traffic enforcement and (garbage) littering.

Those who violate traffic rules should have their licenses taken away until they pay a steep fime for reinstatement.

Those who litter the streets should be taken into custody, have them pay a fine while also sentencing them to clean up the streets for a given time period (perhaps 5 to 15 days depending on the gravity of the offense).

This will eliminate traffic congestions, result in a cleaner environment while also increasing government revenues.

B)Although the government is not issuing permits for handgun, it should allow responsible citizen to maintain, at least, a shotgun in their place of residence for their own protection.Each such applicant should attend a safety class before such permit is issued.

This would deter burglars and other criminals whose intentions are to violate the sanctity of an individual's home.

C) More plainclothes police officers are needed in order to combat crimes that are considered more organized in nature.

Crimes such as drug dealing and kidnappimg should be handled by specialized units.

Whereas uniformed officers should handle traffic and other petit offenses such as littering, etc...plainclothes officers should handle crimes that are more serious in nature.

In addition, a bounty/reward system should be established to compensate those who furnish accurate information to the police.

D) Undercover agents should also be utilized to combat corruption of government employees.

Such agents should be hired as regular employees of the governmental agency (Haitian Customs for example) for the purpose of gathering intelligence on illegal activities and corruption.

E) A Civil Service System should be established to allow the most competent applicants to be hired.

All applicants should undergo an aptitude test and those who have successfully passed such test should be interviewed for additional criteria such as their degree of experience in the given area, etc...

Current employees who are found to be incompetent should be fired while replacing them with those who have shown to be more capable.

In addition, the "godfathering" of employees should be abolished and anyone found to violate this rule should be severely punished.

All government employees should also be trained in customer service and courtesy.

Most, if not all government employees appear to be always in a rude and frustrating mode when they are addressed by clients.

Mario Mothersil, June 24 2008, 6:22 PM

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