Rebuild the economic system in Haiti!!!
Rene Lumene says...
Im am Haitian American that serves in the United States Navy in Jacksonville, FL. I think the leaders of Haiti need to re-establish the government system so that there is a system that will allow the people in Haiti to be able to live a democracy way of life. The country needs major rebuilding because it is very poor and the living conditions is unhealthy.
Rene Preval, please use the money that the Haitian government have wisely and restore the economic system by getting food to your people.
As a leader, there is no way you should ever let your country fall to hunger because that just makes the situation in Haiti even worse.
Posted by Rene Lumene on June 6 2008 at 8:52 PM
Messages in this topic
Preval is more interested about where his zo zo is going more than the state of the economy. Preval is an incompetent 65 year old loser and a tafiateur. Haiti cannot afford to have all those incompetent people learning through trial and error how to > >
Therat, 6-Jun-08 9:30 pm
Rene Lumene, I am also a Haitian American serving in the United States Army (Atlanta, GA). I share your deep concern for the economic system of Haiti. However, I do not believe that a Haitian economic system can be rebuilt unless there is a drasti > >
Wesley Madhere Ii, 6-Jun-08 10:09 pm
Wesley, Well said because I too agree. That amount of work that it is going to take just to rebuild the government system is something that the United State will have to get involved in heavily, just as they are currently involved with trying to r > >
Rene Lumene, 25-Jun-08 6:22 am