President Preval Let analyze together what this "F" really...

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Reply to Msg 8061

President Preval Let analyze together what this "F" really mean OK! In your case does this F mean FAILURE inability to succeed; lack of success, even downfall?

the FACT is its your FAULT that the Haitian people went hungry because you and your administration followed the prescriptions of the IMF and World Bank which has a 100% percent failure rate around the world.

We warned you in January 2008 on this very blog. Our interest of the Haitian economy is not a FAD. We wrote the latest information concerning IMF and the world banks dirty little secrets and practices.

You have to be FLEXIBLE in your approach to FULFILL their demands and not let the Haitian people go hungry.

Stop dealing with IMF just like Argentina did (Argentina defaulted on billions of dollars.

The international community understood).

Use the money for development around the country and hire local engineers not the expensive foreigners that you have to pay in American dollars for inflated projects.

The FACT is you did not deliver to the dirt poor Haitian people who had FAITH in you.
President Preval have you been telling FIBS about your education?

Does that mean that you are a FLUNKY.

You showed total disregard for your FAMILY with your constant womanizing (do you have prostate cancer or is it HIV/ SIDA/AIDS?

I can only conclude that you are not an ideal FATHER but a mawkish parody and emotionally weak as your vodka drinking indicates.

You seem to thrive on FEAR as your alleged terrorist acts indicates.

You are like the Chinese FENG SHUI a Sinophilic pansy.

President Preval FATE is FICKLE you never know what awaits you at the next corner.

You have to FIX the FINANCIAL situation in Haiti otherwise the FAMATICAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS will vent their FRUSTRATIONS upon you.
Hell hath no FURY as when the Haitian people realize that they have been
F U C K E D by you again

La Lionne 1, April 24 2008, 4:38 PM

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President Preval Let analyze together what this "F" really mean OK! In your case does this F mean FAILURE inability to... read more >
La Lionne 1, 24-Apr-08 4:38 pm


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