Frank; this government is not interested in fixing the ilks of...

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Reply to Msg 7181

Frank; this government is not interested in fixing the ilks of Haiti.

You are very right when you say that they do not want to fix the double nationality issue.

It is clear to anyone who can think that they are deliberately not addressing the issue because of exactly what you said--they do not want anyone coming into the country who might actually have the country's interest at hear. They are in the process of systematically de-constructing (this should not need a hyphen) what little there is left of the Haitian people's will to be civil so that they will revolt and kill each other.




If Haiti really has oil, is this a plan to pave the way for some big foreign company to come and take it over without anything being set-up to protect the national interest?

It would all than make sense, because if you get rid of all the thinking people, and all the people who are NOT corrupt, you than have no one to challenge you for selling out the country.

Just a thought mind you, but there could be a whole other reason unknown to us why you are doing this. The bottom line is that the question still needs to be answered--WHY IS THIS GOVERNMENT DELIBERATELY STARVING THE HAITIAN PEOPLE.

WHY IS THIS GOVERNMENT TRYING TO FORCE HAITIANS INTO SUCH A DESPERATE CORNER THAT THEY WILL TURN TO KIDNAPPING AND EVENTUALLY EVEN KILLING ALL THOSE WHO HAVE MORE THAN THEY DO. I believe is because the result of the violence will be the exodus of the few educated Haitians that are still remain in the country, and also the retreat of all those of the Diaspora who are now thinking of going back to help. What will be left in the country as always in those times are those nasty greedy Haitians who care nothing about the people.WHAT IS THE PLAN FOR AFTER THIS HAPPENS?

Now, for those of you Preval supporters who will sooner or later start posting nasty anonymous posts to me, let me tell you right now that is so not going to work this time. I'm not going anywhere (at least not until my time-off is over).

And since I have no desire to kiss your governments rear end, as I do not need nor want to work it nor do I need nor will ever need any favors from it, I will say what I see as the truth as much as I think it necessary to alert my people.

I also have no political agenda of my own that would make me cater favor by keeping quiet, and until I see someone who really has the HONEST wish to help my people, I owe my allegiance to no one. And so, as I have criticized the last few idiots, tyrants, and criminal types of government who came before you (and of course their cronies have posted nasty stuff to me here too) I will continue to question your true intentions towards my people and my country.


I heard that oh so sad story that you are spreading, you know, the one about the NGO's. It's a crock and anyone who believes it is a fool. NGO's are not running the country you are. SO WHAT WERE YOU PAID OR WHAT WERE YOU PROMISED FOR STARVING OUR PEOPLE INTO DESPERATION?

Linda, April 2 2008, 2:41 PM

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Frank; this government is not interested in fixing the ilks of Haiti. You are very right when you say that they do not... read more >
Linda, 2-Apr-08 2:41 pm


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