Mr. Rosenberg. thanks for the video, It's very relevant...

Rubens F. Titus says...

Mr. Rosenberg.

thanks for the video, It's very relevant.

History is relevant in fact History matters.

Women Toton macoute are called fillete laleau.

My man we need to take about history.

There is so much we dont know about the history of Haiti that our new vision for the future could be misguided and ineffective unless we look back and learned those things.

It's actually fascinating how Duvalier managed to maintain himself in power with the help a paramilitary organization in a nation of coup d'etat.

Soulouque has its own paramilitary group - les zinglins - but not as organized as the VSN. This is great!

This is a reply to Msg 6856
Posted by Rubens F. Titus on March 21 2008 at 12:58 AM

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Mr. Rosenberg. thanks for the video, It's very relevant. History is relevant in fact History matters. Women Toton macoute are called fillete laleau. My man we need to take about history. There is so much we dont know about the history of Haiti that o > >
Rubens F. Titus, 21-Mar-08 12:58 am
Mr. Claude, you have no right to dictate to Mr. Rosenberg what video to put on. The tontonmacotutism is supposedly over. It's not called "old news" it's called History a social science: learn the past events to gain a better understanding of the pres > >
Rubens F. Titus, 21-Mar-08 1:15 am
Is your name Rosenberg? I knew sooner or later your dictatorial tendencies would surface. So you think that Duvalier and Soulouque the megalomaniac killers of the elite or in Duvalier's case anyone else who had a brain, were great men. Are you del > >
Archangel, 21-Mar-08 3:22 am
Dud those repeated posts and poems and old news do not serve this blog nor the Haitians who log on to this blog. This is an information sharing medium and it could be a learning tool as well. I have learned a thing or two on the internet myself.You a > >
Claude, 21-Mar-08 12:43 pm
Archangel, So much is cooking! So much is cooking in Haiti! Haitian politicians wake up! Open your eyes! Isn't the country a minefield? It seems that we, Haitians, are sitting on a bomb It is time use more pro-active approaches. Too bad that > >
Gros-mornes Gonaives, 21-Mar-08 2:11 pm
Laleau, Lalo, Dans L'eau, Sous L'eau, Lenmerde pour tous les Laleaus and Makouts! Je m'en fout pas mal.Ducaca, Duvalier, Soukaka, Soulouque, Criminals. Crazy, Salaud, Salaudpri, Sont des fils de Putes. Deux Batards. Mille Merdes. Thank God All might > >
Lionne, 21-Mar-08 3:05 pm
Hey,you misunderstood me. I never praise (Duvalier or Soulouque); I never said they were great men. The fascinating part is the historical analysis not their characters and their actions. I am a scientist and I am encouraging people to look at Haiti > >
Rubens F. Titus, 21-Mar-08 3:22 pm
Express Yourself! Some people have everything, and other people don’t. But everything don’t mean a thing if it ain't the thing you want. NO DICTATORS IN HAITI.Yourself. The end! Express yourself!!!! mr. & mrs. Smith > >
Lionne, 21-Mar-08 3:53 pm
How did a little puny worm like you find its way to this blog? "mother f ** k e r" I mean it literally. Are those some kind of veiled threats or something. Are you a farmer get it part of the farm at Langley? I for one would not bother explain any > >
La Lionne, 21-Mar-08 4:22 pm
Can you dodge this Archangel? Are you part of the farm or just another person playing games. If video do not play copy and past tittle to It's playing there. Matrix - Gun scene / Matrix Trilogy / Matrix 1: The fight with the Agent/ ht > >
La Lionne, 21-Mar-08 4:34 pm
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